Hyaluron Filler Nasolabial trotz Zahnspange möglich?
Die Frage steht bereits oben. 2 Wochen vor und nach dem injizieren des Fillers sollen keine Zahnbehandlungen erfolgen. Kann mir wer dies näher erläutern gerade in Bezug darauf, ob eine feste Zahnspange ein Hindernis darstellt? Lieben Gruß
Hello Conankudox,
If you don’t have the brace completely new, it’s not a problem.
Good luck!
As long as you have a firm chip, I’d tell you about it anyway.
Could you explain the reason?
The face muscle is also affected by the change. That means when this is out, everyone looks different
Thank you for the info 🙂
If it is an inside, it does not play a roll
And is an inside loan.
Oh, okay. However, I should only get the brace in about 1 month. Before, however, a tooth cleaning, which is why I could not keep the distances. The wrinkles are already here. In general, nothing would be against it if I interpreted your answer correctly, as the chip has no influence on the filler directly, but rather the chip on the face for muscles? Sorry for the evtl stupid question, but would actually like to understand it correctly 🙂