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I would advise against it – the codein contained in the cough juice is an opiate and has a certain addiction potential; you should therefore do it sparingly and not take it right at the first signs of a cough…
No cough is a sign of irritation of the respiratory tract or cold.
But you can support your body with drinking tea, and sucking pills.
Herbal cough juice can also take the soothed neck and relieve the cough.
I always take trumpet juice
Can you do, but the studies show that you can suck Nutella just as well, because it is proven to use cough juice
N I X.
Too soon.
No only if it is absolutely necessary.
Okay. Is it not possible to “make” the cough before?
No cough juice can get rid of the cough. Make it up.
No, the cough is a symptom that disappears when the cause is broken. Moreover, coughs can be useful when mucus is transported away.
But to a certain extent, cough blockers are called, which should only be used in certain situations.