Husten mit Auswurf geht nicht weg?

Hallo Liebe Gemeinde.

Ich hab seit 13 dezember Husten mit Auswurf. Ohne halsweh und schnupfen oder sonstiges. Kurze Zeit wurde es besser aber dann wieder vorne alles.

Husten erst war es gelb dann durchsichtig aber es geht nicht weg. Daraufhin Antibiotika verschrieben bekommen vom Hausarzt eingenommen. Immer noch nicht besser.

Bin darauf ins Krankenhaus gegangen (Notaufnahme)

Röntgen Bild ergab keinen befund.

Blutest ist komplett in Ordnung. Auch keine entzündungswerte.

Hab Angst das es cop oder chronische bronchitis sein kann.

Was kann ich noch tun?

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2 months ago

Hey, I got the same!

last year from September to November, I had a cough at first a little fever since I thought bronchitis… then got antibiotics which didn’t work my ejection was yellow eager and didn’t leave for 2 months and had NO symptoms only coughing this… likewise I was blood-absorbed… nothing… lungs free.
then it became better and since 31.12 I still coughed with eject yellow eitrig that does not go away but have no symptoms only cough!
I was here several times now with the doctor who without knowing what I wanted to rewrite antibiotics, which I didn’t take because the antibiotic doesn’t do me well and last time brought nothing!

Yesterday I was with him again and said it wasn’t going away… then he prescribed me pantoprazol because I have a gastritis🤣🤣🤣 and tomorrow I have to go back to school as he doesn’t write me further sick despite my coughs than my lungs are “free”

2 months ago

What else can I do?

Go to a pulmonary doctor or let your pediatrician transfer to such a doctor.

2 months ago
Reply to  Pascal2906x

Yes, even non-smokers can suffer from COPD in rare cases. It doesn’t take much if you’re worried crazy.

I can only tell you so much that I – before. Strong smoker – 2 years ago COPD was diagnosed shortly after I had corona with severe respiratory problems. At least the symptom of the cough with ejection matched COPD, so I assumed that the diagnosis had to be correct and got (maybe understandable) shot.

I stopped smoking the day I received the diagnosis, and 3 days later the cough and thus the only appropriate symptom story was. I have 0 problems today.

So either the diagnosis was completely wrong or you can live well with COPD. Therefore, even if you should get COPD diagnosed, it doesn’t mean you have COPD. However, since, unlike me, you have a symptom, I would recommend that you go to more than just a lung doctor to have any diagnosis double-checked or to get you secondary opinions.

Doctors are also just people and can make mistakes. So I once got prescribed iron tablets that were so overdosed that another doctor put his hands over my head and told me to put things down immediately because there was no reason for me to take them and cause them damage.

If I had listened to my then dentist about 10 years ago, I would have had 8 teeth less in my mouth today.

IMMER at least 2 doctors if you get anything diagnosed, which goes beyond a simple cold and only right if you get medis that could have it in you! It’s annoying, but you’re on the safer side.