Convert Husqvarna TC 125 for the road?
Hello, I know it sounds crazy, but I'd like to buy a Husqvarna and convert it to street legal. Would that be possible by installing lights, indicators, etc., and having it individually approved?
Thanks in advance!
Vm racing does that?
Thank you
No would not be possible – because the manufacturer does not issue you any papers you need for TÜV removal or for approval. There are no papers for the machine.
Can’t you make papers?
how – with the printer and paint?
No’s not going. Vehicles registered in Germany need papers from the manufacturer – for example, the manufacturer has complied with EU directives.
and exactly this one you get nciht- because this machine has never been tested according to the EU guidelines.
this is just a sports equipment like a few skis or a few roller skates. more it is not
Vm racing makes this
You noticed that this is a TE?
that behind the T – the E ? always means Enduro- they are approved and have all papers.
It doesn’t matter whether they write TE or TC (TC motocross- TE = Enduro)
they simply take a frame of the TE and make all parts on the frame – as you see on the pictures, then with other chassis and other tires. However, in Italy, they are always able to accept these maschins. But at the latest at our admission offices – the nix becomes more.
Just because you need a certificate from the TÜV that it is throttled to 9 hp.
With us in Italy this is not so strict, the police said they know that is not legal but they do not do that
the police know these motorcycles very well and they know where to look. It’s a coincidence even in passing – if so ene MAschine drives over the road with 120 instead of the 80.
But somehow youtube friends are later too cowardly to admit that they have been caught and the machine shut down with a thousand bills.
Yes, no one drives
Okay, thanks