Hundeticket für Bahn?

Guten Abend,

ich will meinen Hund mit in den Zug nach Bremen nehmen und habe gehört das man für Hunde auch ein Ticket haben muss.

Welches Ticket ist für einen Hund denn ausreichend , also welches nimmt man am besten ? (also die billigsten)

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2 years ago

You have to buy a dog ticket for a big dog that corresponds to half the price of an adult ticket. The dog has to wear a muzzle.

Small dogs can drive for free as long as they are in a Kennel or bag.

Basically, a dog, whether large or small, does not have a seat claim

2 years ago

Only from Rotenburg to Hamburg or Bremen…

From Rotenburg to Hamburg, the Niedersachsentarif applies, after Bremen the VBN tariff.

In both cases, dogs that are not accommodated in a transport container need a children’s ticket. Einzelkarten offer/single ticket

2 years ago

This depends on the railway company, and on the size of the dog.

Small dogs that can be transpotted in a transport basket or a bag usually drive Free.

For larger dogs you usually buy a Children’s ticket.

Evtl. needs a bigger dog in the train Mouthpiece.

You need to ask the details where you buy your ticket.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddhismus

>> Evtl. a larger dog in the train also needs aMouthpiece< < < <

Not only possible, but basically!

2 years ago
Reply to  timsha

Not everywhere. If we go with our dog, he needs a muzzle in the DB, but in the regional train of Lüneburg no longer…

2 years ago

RB and ICE have sublime provisions ́…

2 years ago

This is also at the discretion of the train staff. I had two short hair collies. In the RB, the shepherd told me to take off the two MKs, they would be so good. In the ICE I was addressed right after entering the MKs, otherwise I would have to leave the train again. I wanted to put them on the spot.