Hunde Leckereien für Menschen Schädelich?
Hey, wie oben steht ist meine Frage ist es arg schädlich für einen Menschen ( ich habe keine bekannten Vorerkrankungen ) hin und wieder mal ein kleines Stück Hunde Leckerei zu probieren? 😅 wollte immer schon wissen wie die schmecken ( fragt einfach nicht warum habe auch mal Hasen Leckereien probiert keine ahnung warum bin einfach neugierig ) also wirklich nur wenig davon z.b von dennen wie auf dem Bild. Im Prinzip ist es ja nur Fleisch mit keine ahnung käse Zusätzen denke Fleisch was nicht an den Menschen „normal“ zu verkaufen ist
ich ess fast täglich beim gassi gehen mal ein kleines Stück wirklich nur wenig also wirklich wenig
Bitte nur ernsthafte Antworten!
Nope. The dog eats it, too. Are stall (often) slaughter waste.
When we had nothing more to eat in the house as children, we’ve already had the dog food. The taste was in need of habitation (the smell is worse than the taste), but apart from that it has not led to any digestive problems.
It’s not poisonous. It’s made with what we eat normally.
I don’t think I’ll taste it.
You’re not the only one who comes to such an idea. Whether you believe it or not: Recently my discounter had dog and cat food in special offer, and I took the opportunity to buy a small pack for me. But I had studied the list of ingredients and chose something without liver, stomach, lungs or other things that gave me an eclectic feeling. It’s true, most dog foods contain something like that. Read yourself – or not if you don’t want to know. According to the ingredients list, dog and cat food contains nothing that is harmful to humans.
then look out what cat and dog food is made, disgusting
Many arms or poorer people have previously bought dog food and also something because it was simply much cheaper. They have actually nourished themselves.
They taste at best after nix – have a strange aftertaste.
harmful or so it is not. but I also assume that you will try it once and then never again xD
so bad some don’t even taste 🥲 yes I have a funny sense of taste, but it wouldn’t really eat
It won’t be harmful, but if you like the things you need to find out yourself.
There are even people in America who test dog food in the sense not.
However, there are all possible and impossible animal by-products inside you, I don’t think you would like to eat that much
Not bad