Hunde die klein bleiben und keine Qualzucht sind?
Hallo, wir ziehen bald um und wollen uns endlich einen Hund holen. Wir suchen einen, der selbstverständlich KEINE Qualzucht ist, und nicht groß wird. Könnt ihr welche „empfehlen“?
PS: Ist der Kleinspitz oder der Zwergspitz eine Qualzucht? In allen Quellen steht etwas anderes.
A healthy little bite is not a torment, a dwarf bite could have problems depending on the quality breeding characteristics, the smaller a dog is bred, the more likely they can have problems due to this small size, a small bite from healthy FCI/VDH breeding is usually no problem, grow breeding is very controversial, you should consider two times and if stay with normal small breeds. Kleinspitz we ourselves also have, with currently 4.3 kilos, but the probably is not pure-bred, at least it does not correspond to the breed standard and is an animal welfare dog, but visually it is very small.
It is important for small dogs that you have a recognized FCI/VDH breeder, alternative animal welfare or animal shelter, considering the needs that the respective breeds have, even for mixed animals, and should you have no dog experience yet, judge for beginners friendly breeds and check whether you can meet the individual needs, pointed are very intelligent and have to be spiritually strong, but also have pepper in the butt that are genuine.
If not yet, I would add the norwich terrier and the cocoon
Havaneser – are about, 23 – 27 cm tall and are not a breeder, moreover family-friendly, very smart and absolutely sweet, cuddly like, are very active and suitable for beginners
or you just go to the shelter 🙂
PS: the image is our Havaneser, which is 7 years
Dwarf lace with Fox face are super robust and healthy dogs.
Keep watching where the animal comes from.
– The pavilion (I now nix about it only that there is)
– The Shiba Inu (but now is not recommended as the dog of the beginners is stubborn, the breed portrait can be read by itself)
– The hybrid (there are many smaller dogs at the animal shelter/life shelter that are often no early dogs due to their prehistory but there are also differences anyway that is always how the dog suits the owner’s history and you could let you advise or get to know the dog at the animal shelter a bit in the case of gassirunden)
– the little bite or Japanese little bite is no longer safe to me as the name is correct, but believe Japanese little bite or the pomeranian both are small (at Pomeranian you need a good breeder who are also stubborn and despite their size also a bit of a watchdog like all nickers, can tend to bark a lot. You should pay attention that they were not grown too small and I have read blue merle is not healthy but generally not only at the pom)
– the Pomsky crossing husky and pomeranian are usually smaller but can also grow large (also not as the beginner dog and a surprise pack similar to any other mixing. If seen by some people as a breeding/producing dog, for example, because of the size differences of both races and because it is a designer dog, many are of the opinion that can then not be healthy unnatural etc. they are called. In his description, however, life expectancy is 15 years old, so I do not think that they are very well-awakened high-energy dogs to condemn in such a way.
– the alaskan klee kai is similar to the pomsky believe has been crossed with nem schipperke knows now not whether I have written the right but the or only schipperke would there also be white but now not so much about the schiperke would also have to be an acute breed so stubborn husky anyway also stubborn, self-willing both certainly not recommended for beginners.
– The miniature australian shepard (also not so the dog recommended for beginners is already a bit bigger, but I still find quite small. It’s a hat dog many have the same from dog sports like agility, some intellectual games or dogdancing, who also wants to be busy. But they often have to learn to rest. But should be good educators and a good family dog)
There are certainly even more I would simply google in your place and also read the breed portraits completely, so you can also decide better and determine which dog fits more to one, just if there is a breed that has more requirements in certain things than others and therefore is not recommended for beginners. Then you know what to do then what to look for, for example, in education, etc.
Here are also different small dog breeds with picture and if you click on the picture you can learn more about the respective breed 🙂
There’s more on the side. Because of breeding I would just googles there are on the Internet lists and if you are unsure simply ask again here separately for the respective race. 😉
Dwarf tip with Bearface are torments, those with Foxface are not.
There are several small breeds of dogs that do not belong to breeds. Among them, for example:
I think Terrier or Pinscher. I think that little bite and dwarf tip are sometimes tormenting.
It’s best to have a mixed or terrier.
If you have a mix of breeding breeds or dogs with breeding characteristics, it doesn’t make it better. Mix does not really bring something to the dog in terms of health.
We had a small pinscher mixer, who was guaranteed no breeding, voellig cool, and lived until 19 years.
I don’t know any small dogs they don’t have a breeding sense but good luck looking for and even a little bite and a little bite. I hope I could at least help a bit more a nice evening
No, small and dwarf spikes are not automatic breeds.
but what do you mean not because that would really interest me
The dwarf poodle is not a quality breeding, the Corgi is not a quality breeding (just two examples of small ones). To name dogs)
Ah ok thanks I didn’t know
The difference in breeding is in the shape of the head. Those with Bearface are torments that are not with Foxface. This is true for dwarf tip. Small tops are generally not tolerated.