Hund nimmt trotz joggen nicht ab?
(Frage geklärt)
Also mein Hund und ich joggen seit neustem! Wo ich 5 Kilo bereits abgenommen habe, gurkt mein Hund immer noch bei seinen 11 Kilo rum. Hab sein Futter auf ein gesundes Maß reduziert und gebe ihm nur noch was zu Knabbern wenn wir einen langen Lauf hinter uns hatten.
Seine Rasse wäre Cavalier King Charles (Keine Sorge ich laufe langsam und beachte seine „Zeichen“… meistens läuft er immer vor mir her)
Unterwegs sind wir meistens für ca. 50min täglich, von denen wir 25 Minuten höchsten laufen.
Sollte ich Diät-Futter in Erwägung ziehen? Hab ehrlich kein Plan mehr, will ihn auch nicht hungern lassen und fit wirkt er auch, sonst würde er so Runden gar nicht mit machen.
Why does the dog have to take off? Is he really too thick? if that’s how jogging isn’t exactly the best way. then you should start slowly with more extensive walks etc. All that does not go to the joints.
It is also necessary to consider that the conversion of fat into muscles does not necessarily entail a weight loss. A muscular dog often weighs just as much.
I’d rather go in sight. So look at the dog and think if he’s really too fat or not.
simply reducing the feed is also not good. Half the amount of feed always means half the amount of nutrients.
A diet food must be fed and contain sufficient vitamins and minerals.
often it is enough to look at the leaks – they are often very fat and very protein-containing.
I don’t find him too thick, but somehow all the others tell me that he is:’)
And don’t worry, he definitely doesn’t. But only beginning to pay more attention to the prescribed feed measure, instead of giving it feeling.
Can I imagine it’s the leaks.
Then ask a vet. He can tell you exactly if the dog is too thick or not. Weight alone doesn’t say much. You can put a picture in here, too. Best one from above when the dog stands and one from the side. You might be able to recognize something.
If your dog likes fruit and vegetables, for example, you can use carrots. Or you get dried beef lung which also has hardly any calories etc.
With more movement, we rarely had successes. Mostly, there is one or the other leakage too much or the amount of feed is given after feeling instead of consistently weighed. Please don’t just feed less now, but let the veterinarian advise on food conversion and exclusion of diseases
Thanks for the comment! Become a veterinarian in the future and have me consulted there.
If you put a dog on a diet, you should do that in the interest of the dog together with a veterinarian. malnutrition and consequences of this can occur faster than in a person. He might compile a sensible diet plan for the dog and from time to time control the dog for defects until he has reached his normal weight.
Good idea, didn’t even know the veterinarian would do that. I’ll call you there.
Turning fat into muscle mass is exhausting and requires good nutrition, instead of reduction. On the other hand, it is easier to convert muscles into fat.
A well-muscular dog is almost as heavy as a thick dog.
Dietary supplement is the last remedy to be considered. It’s not that healthy.
For a long time had a much too thick labrador in care. Older people, sick, not on foot. With consent, I changed the dog to fresh meat. Not on BARF! 1 chicken leg as meal, fresh, raw, skin removed, but with bones. As a leaky apple or tube. Heats carbohydrates away, but healthy protein with all minerals, fat-reduced. This dog took off without starving and became more powerful.
Friss half (FDH), often fits in people who then drink more and take more fruit and vegetables against hunger. It’s not quite true for dogs. Although dietary rations can be reduced, active ingredients are often abundant in industrial food, but there can be deficiencies. especially if increased activities are undertaken simultaneously.
In my dogs I actually make intakes and decreases dependent on the feed. However, we are at least daily. 5 – about 10 km on the road with training installation and in summer a lot of swimming is recommended. Running with a dog I never depend on time. Head work is just as important.
Thank you. I always like to give carrots.
FDH didn’t say my dog, maybe it was a little inaccurate. Just hold me to the prescribed feed measure, instead of to forgive for feeling.
Would also like to know if my dog isn’t just a bit more muscular than anyone else, I should ask the vet once. :
If you incorrectly reduce feed, it is like humans, the body stores extremely and does not decrease well.
But honestly, what you’re describing is a normal walk, nothing more.
Please go to the vet and let your dog examine before you do “sport programs” and “diets”.
So the bit of running is of course not the only movement he does the day, thought only that would bring him most out of the powder…
On diet I have not really set, I just stick to the recommended amount of food for its breed and don’t hold any leaks every day.
What kind of food does he get? Depending on the composition, a lot goes really fast on the hip.
I recommend you to make a walk to the veterinarian, the King Charles Spaniel is unfortunately quite overgrown and quickly tends to various problems, especially as these dogs generally tend to overweight.
Let him in any case examine it, it could also be a bit healthy and if all are good, it could look for a good nutritional counselor for dogs, this can create a suitable diet plan for your dog without having to worry that the dog gets a bad or has to starve.
The latter is of course not compulsory, but is quite recommended, but one has to look for something is not so easy to find a good nutrition specialist for dogs.
Yeah, think vet would be a good idea.
So as a feed he gets cold pressed Raw Nature (adult, delicate poultry with potatoes) Daily feed recommendation for 6-11 kg dogs 90-170 g
because this breed suffers from massive diseases, I would not have to jog without a previous exact veterinary diagnosis. Brachycephalie, mitral valve degeneration, Syringomyelie are actually diseases that have to be excluded beforehand. In addition, a nutritionist for dogs can recommend a suitable diet plan