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5 years ago

“Did I feed unprocessed microorganisms without nutritional value to animals?”

No. Just because it doesn’t make sense and isn’t really nutritious. That could happen because gastrointestinal problems comes to…

5 years ago
Reply to  2AlexH2

Fermentation processes in the digestive organs are not funny, whether the bacteria are pathogenic or not; and whether the bacteria contain any minerals or not.

Fermentation processes of bacteria in the digestive organs are the reason why lactose-intolerant problems get. Lactase deficiency in itself is not the problem, the harmless, normal bacteria cause problems. Like in lactose intolerant after milk consumption, it will probably go to chickens: abdominal pain and diarrhea. Or, at yeast, you could develop the brewer’s syndrome. So, within the digestive organs, the yeast remains active and produces alcohol from the sugar of food…

Don’t do it. Just because something worked out in a species doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. If I jump from a bridge and survive, it doesn’t mean that can jump from now on all bridges without fear for their lives.

5 years ago
Reply to  2AlexH2

Sourdough is NOT “more flour than bacteria”,

Why do you ask if you don’t accept an answer that doesn’t suit you?

And the flour is not “digested” or “crude”.

5 years ago

But not so much and not necessarily this kind of fermentation.

Candida is yeast. That’s exactly the same.

5 years ago

How are you? That was a friendly comment from BalZakBarsoom. If you’re doing this, I’ll save my answer. This is not a fair approach on a question platform.

5 years ago

The sourdough could contain harmful bacteria – Clostridiales – where the lactic acid bacteria also belong to them, but not so harmful.

The yeast dough is not so harmful, but this is also not a chicken feed.

The chickens have to be fed in an appropriate manner. These are cereals and ground cereals. In the garden the chickens still eat grass and herbs and still rainworms + bugs.

5 years ago

I don’t know:)