Hühnerfutter: Backhefe, Sauerteig roh?
Kann man rohen Sauerteig an Hühner verfüttern? und Backhefe?
Ich habe meinen Kampffisch vor paar Wochen aus einem Zoofachhandel gekauft. Nun hat er seit gestern ausgeblichene leichte Punkte über dem Kopf und er schwimmt nurnoch kurz rum und dass auch nur gegen die Scheiben. Zudem liegt er dann nurnoch rum. Wenn das Licht an ist (ich habe es schon gestimmt) liegt er immer am…
Ich würde mein Gehege gerne interessanter und mit Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten gestalten. Also das von meinem Teddyhamster. Denn das Problem ist, er mag kein Erlebnisfutter und keine Intelligenzspielzeuge. Vielleicht habt ihr Ideen?
Hi♡ Die Frage steht oben. Wenn ja, dann würde ich mich über ein Rezept freuen ♡♡♡ LG Maggy
Ich weiß man solle keinem Küken aus dem Ei helfen, aber ich musste schon mit ansehen, wie ein Küken elendig verenden musste. Deswegen wollte ich bei dieser Brut nicht tatenlos daneben stehen.. ein großer Fehler wohl. Denn das Küken hat nach 10 Stunden des ersten kleinen mini Lochs keinen Fortschritt mehr gemacht, aber noch Lehenszeichen…
Hey, ich habe eine wichtige Frage. Mein Fohlen (geboren im Mai) steigt immer wieder auf die Mutterstute, als würde er sie decken wollen. Der “kleine” ist schon echt groß und schwer, und die Stute findet das auch echt nicht so toll und hat ihn schon getreten usw. Was soll ich tun und vor allem, ist…
“Did I feed unprocessed microorganisms without nutritional value to animals?”
No. Just because it doesn’t make sense and isn’t really nutritious. That could happen because gastrointestinal problems comes to…
It’s more flour than bacteria? Partly spoiled flour, partly raw. With many nutrients, also micro-organisms, valuable nutrients, so DAS is a point.
But if they can handle it?
My cat tolerate a small amount without problems (had stolen).
Fermentation processes in the digestive organs are not funny, whether the bacteria are pathogenic or not; and whether the bacteria contain any minerals or not.
Fermentation processes of bacteria in the digestive organs are the reason why lactose-intolerant problems get. Lactase deficiency in itself is not the problem, the harmless, normal bacteria cause problems. Like in lactose intolerant after milk consumption, it will probably go to chickens: abdominal pain and diarrhea. Or, at yeast, you could develop the brewer’s syndrome. So, within the digestive organs, the yeast remains active and produces alcohol from the sugar of food…
Don’t do it. Just because something worked out in a species doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. If I jump from a bridge and survive, it doesn’t mean that can jump from now on all bridges without fear for their lives.
Sourdough is NOT “more flour than bacteria”,
Why do you ask if you don’t accept an answer that doesn’t suit you?
And the flour is not “digested” or “crude”.
But not so much and not necessarily this kind of fermentation.
Candida is yeast. That’s exactly the same.
? Yeah, better not if you’re ticking like that, I don’t think that’s essential. I don’t just have to believe what anyone says here, but questioning is a duty, because you don’t know what the other has for knowledge. It is legitimate and sensible.
There I don’t need any idiotic comments a la BalZakBarsoom who doesn’t make anything but down and steals Klug without really knowing anything.
And I wonder how you feel and don’t know.
How are you? That was a friendly comment from BalZakBarsoom. If you’re doing this, I’ll save my answer. This is not a fair approach on a question platform.
Sure. Thanks for explaining, even if it was a bit too high, even with microbiology in my studies.
Since we all have heard bacteria in the intestine and idolatry one of the most important processes, does this process not happen in the intestine?
And what about candida infection…
But it’s a different subject.
Get rid of it safe.
You’re pinty and too little pinty. You could have saved yourself. I’ll write a part. Roichtiger Sauerteig has risen and has really blown that he is not yet, since the addition is small. therefore more flour than bacterium, you see.
Besides, what do you think? Your comment is simply annoying and unqualified and neither expert nor helpful, are reported.
The sourdough could contain harmful bacteria – Clostridiales – where the lactic acid bacteria also belong to them, but not so harmful.
The yeast dough is not so harmful, but this is also not a chicken feed.
The chickens have to be fed in an appropriate manner. These are cereals and ground cereals. In the garden the chickens still eat grass and herbs and still rainworms + bugs.
Okay then I’ll leave. Chewed but okay? Honestly, the sourdough has iwas in it, I don’t want to eat it (smooth edge when I took it to the place and the smell was wrong), but some animals are less sensitive to certain things.
I don’t know:)