Hufschmied kosten, wie oft?

Hallo an alle Pferdebesitzer! Meine Eltern haben sich entschlossen mir ein Pferd zu kaufen! Ich bin 14 Jahre alt und erkundige mich gerade wie viel der Hufschmied kostet. Meine Stute ist eine walkaloosa Stute falls euch das was sagt und ist ein Gangpferd. Die Besitzerin mein sie sollte (weil sie ein Gangpferd ist) aufjedenfall auf allen Vieren beschlagen werden. Nun ist die Frage wie das kostet? Ich weiß das es überall unterschiedlich ist, aber muss der Hufschmied wirklich alle 6-8 Wochen kommen? Wie läuft sowas ab?

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4 years ago

One – sorry – really stupid argument to make the horse iron on it just because it’s a ganghorse. Yes, it plays a role in the Tölt as to how much weight there is at the foot, but there are some nuances that are important for tournament riders. Not for a normal recreational horse.

I am not, in principle, against beating, but every horse owner has in my eyes the duty to weigh up for and against good. Iron protects the hoof, if necessary correct the position (a good hoof worker also without) but prep the joints, the horses always have cold feet, the support of the pumping function of the heart no longer works full, the derivation over the hoof is missing, the danger of injury (for themselves and others). Many offense/activities don’t take a horse slapped at the back, which brings us back to an art-friendly attitude. But that’s going too far… In any case, very many horses with appropriately competent hoofing can go wonderfully barhuf – and for riding e.g. hoof shoes are a very good alternative and much cheaper compared.

4x fitting with new iron costs about 125€. If the iron can be used again, it is about 80€. If pens/grips/spins have to be in, of course this comes on top. And yes, the forge is loosely due every 6-8 weeks.

4 years ago

More than six weeks. 8 in most cases are already very marginal. “Shift” costs about 80 € per horse, with new iron over 100€. How many times you need new depends on where the horse is running. In addition, at least in winter, there are often Grips, studs, pencils…. whatever.

4 years ago
Reply to  Aileen1810

The hoof is cut out and the same hoof is re-fitted

4 years ago
Reply to  Aileen1810

I’m sorry if I’m sending this forward: in such questions, I have doubts whether the project “own horses” should not be moved in the further future…

But no, with normal stress, you can change the iron once or twice before you need new ones. But take it down, cut the hooves, and make the iron back on it, you should every six weeks. But I often have the impression that many horses are losing lichen after 4 weeks. This shows me that a fitting period of 8 weeks is animal torture, even though it is unfortunately handled by some people. 😢

4 years ago

8 weeks actually only goes with a few horses. Especially in the summer when pasture comes to it and the hooves are fed with biotin, you do not come to idR with 8 weeks. 5 – 6 in section.

4 years ago

With a forging it cost at 100€, with the other 130€. And yes, all 6-8 weeks must be.

But please try to change your horse to barhuf. I changed my horse just two weeks ago. You need patience, but the horse’s health is worth it and the horse will thank you.

Then it costs between 30 and 60€.

4 years ago
Reply to  Aileen1810

How about cuckoos? You could use them at work so that the hooves don’t take off.

4 years ago

There are also those with bracelets that keep even better.

4 years ago

Hey, if you need, every 6-8 weeks. Costs vary between 25-30€ per hoof, i.e. approx. €120 for all four

4 years ago
Reply to  Alinakummer

What?? Combat for the money???? Is the stable boy nailing the iron or what? I want to see the blacksmith who works for such little money…

4 years ago

Every 4 weeks a Huforthoped. 50 euros, which are an excellent investment in the long-term health of the horse.

A ganghorse harms fitting just as sustainably as a non-multiplier. From someone who says so, I wouldn’t buy a horse at all – except, I want to bind a health building site to my leg, but this is only useful if I have good health knowledge on the one hand, a horse can gymnastize so that it needs health gymnastics if I have the money, if necessary also to grab deep into the pocket for various follow-up stories and then also if I’m looking for good training instead of horse.

If you’re 13 now, the moment comes when you have to decide what’s going on with your professional training, where you might have to move for it – and on a pre-damaged horse (which is more than likely when you buy from a person who puts so harsh allegations) you don’t just hire a riding share. People who have knowledge of such a horse usually also have their own and do not seek horse participation.

And yes, just when you hit what might be useful in 1% of cases (e.g., because it allows the use of cleats, which does not really need a horse to class M in sport yet), then the hooves are actually to be worked every 4 weeks (for example, all horses of the Queen are also done). But then the narrowness of the nail holes makes the 08/15-Schmied so difficult, this is always towed – at the expense of the health of the horses. And then there must be a beating-free period per year, which is at least as long as the fitting period, so that the horse can be freed of the “side effects” of the fitting, the hoof can recover. All else is a “right argument” of what the Hufschmied cannot do. And unfortunately I don’t see anyone who can. I’m still waiting for the one who can show me a good hoof, where you can’t see bile at first glance, etc. of the irritated structures – and also see the cause of the hoof directly.

4 years ago

the horse is a mix.


walker is not a ganghorse, but an actionhorse. this is called the excessive pulling of the legs in step or trab. the “walk” is achieved by bandaging the horses with sharp rubbing around the legs and weighting on the captive joints.

on all four hues – yes. there are special weightshufeisen.

and to mix with an appaloosa is disgusting. there are also the tendency to cancer, heart damage and eye diseases, which lead to blindness.

please look for a decent horse, which is healthy and all 8-10 weeks require a good barework. but only if you can cut your own rays and go to the ground with quite exclusivity. the huf needs the chance to adapt, then the interval can be so long.

4 years ago

So good 100€ Can be more with a special fitting. And then every six weeks. If you are lucky and know a forge (personally) then also a little less

4 years ago

Just ask your forge on site or in the stable. Depending on the area, there are hardly any ones and the few good costs often more or have no time.

This makes the approach quite expensive. Or they can only get into the stables from x horses. So much depends on the horse itself, how forgefromm is the animal? A horse, what you can do in the past, is cheaper than a marginal horse. Need the forge someone who’s getting on with it gets even more expensive.

What exactly must be done on the hoof? The more expensive, the iron must be exchanged or not. What iron does the horse need? Whether the horse has to forge every 4 or 8 weeks? Depending on the hoof, it may be the same that the forge must come every 2 weeks.

Thank God it doesn’t matter who cares for the hooves as long as he cares them well.

So look for someone to meet your horse.

4 years ago

I’d look at how she gets clear without iron because it’s really expensive in the long run. If it doesn’t work so well, you can still beat. Unfortunately, can’t tell you how much it costs, but if you don’t go much road then I’d try it first without tasting it or be advised directly by a hoofsmith.

4 years ago
Reply to  Blubiiba

If you’re going on the street, hopefully the animal won’t be beaten. Firstly, it has no more grip and secondly the fitting on the road on every step on all joints of the leg.

And JEDES, but really every horse comes clear better than with no fitting. It just has to be done well. But conceal the inability of the worker with fitting (he puts the leg taub and then you think they’re running again, in reality they’re hurting each other and rumbling over it because they don’t get it), is the worst of all solutions.

From the Hufschmied, I’d just get some advice if someone can show me the one forging that can really do what. So far I’m looking for this and I’m getting a lot of Huffotos sent for evaluation. Now I’m sure I don’t see everything but the rough problems, but what I see puts my neck hair on me.

4 years ago

Between 30 and 120 euros every 8 weeks, what the forging must do.

4 years ago
Reply to  PeterP58

Where are we hit for 30€….??? Playmobilpferd?