HTTPS Verbindung nextcloud?
Wie kann ich eine HTTPS Verbindung zu nextcloud auf meinem Ubuntu Server herstellen?
Wie kann ich eine HTTPS Verbindung zu nextcloud auf meinem Ubuntu Server herstellen?
Hi habe kali linux installiert aber kann es nicht öffnen es dringend brauche Hilfe!!!!
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Mein Windows lädt nicht und ich komm nicht rein Was soll ich nun machen?
Easy to use by using cloud-flare Zero Trust Tunnels. The server does not have to be exposed.
It’s free. Just add a domain to cloudflare.
Other possibility is with a reverse proxy such as caddy. This also has a lets encrypt integration to get free ssl certificates. Need a domain.
By creating an https certificate for the server, and zb through a caddy reverse proxy then establish an https link to the Pc, which it then passes to the port on the Nextcloud
I created an HTTPS certificate, but it doesn’t work anyway. Initially, the connection with http now doesn’t work any longer
And what’s wrong?
So you have your Nextcloud released to the Internet? How did you do that?
I’m not home right now I’m trying to connect to the phone and then add the error messages in the question
So if the server is only accessible from the home network, it doesn’t matter; otherwise: