HTML Datei ist auf IOS anders als auf Android / Windows?

Ich habe eine ganz einfache Website gecodet und hab jetzt ausprobiert, wie sie sich in verschiedenen Browsern verhält. Das Hauptproblem ist, dass die Bilder, die ich über URL reingeladen habe, auf IOS nicht erscheinen. Liegt das an dem Browser Safari?

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1 year ago

The main problem is that the images I have uploaded via URL do not appear on IOS.

How was the site provided? Do you use a local server environment or did you just transfer the HTML document to your iPhone?

Is that the browser Safari?

No, it’s not the safari. If the images cannot be loaded, they are either not available or the reference is incorrect. So in your case, it would be good to know how you were doing. If you have only transmitted the HTML document, the images are missing on your iPhone.

You should test your website or WebApp as always in a local server environment that there are some differences when loading the content. If you use VS code, there would be an extension called LiveServer. As long as the extension is active and the local server environment is running, you can easily retrieve it from other devices on the same network.

1 year ago

There are sometimes differences in the representation & function with different browsers, but pictures should all load correctly.

Did you ever see if you can access the images from the iPhone? Do you have a local web server or just a .html file? If the latter should be the case: Did you copy the images with the .html?

1 year ago

Jap, that’s the browser. So this shouldn’t happen in such things. But every browser works differently. This even goes to the point that for CSS there are some different codes per browser…