HPV-Impfung ja oder nein?

Hey, unzwar stelle ich mir die Frage, ob ich die HPV Impfung machen, bzw. nachholen sollte. Ich habe die Impfung vor dem 15. Lebensjahr versäumt. Ich bin jetzt noch relativ frisch 16 und hatte bis jetzt noch kein Geschlechtsverkehr, was ja auch noch eine relativ gute Voraussetzung für die Impfung ist. Ich bin nur etwas umstritten, da mir einige empfohlen hatten es nicht zu machen aufgrund der gespritzten Hormone und etc. und andere aber schon. Vor allem mache ich mir darüber Gedanken, dass es sich vielleicht eh nicht mehr so sehr lohnt, falls ich in den nächsten Monaten vielleicht Geschlechtsverkehr haben sollte, da die drei Impfungen ja schon in einem langen Zeitraum gegeben werden, aber auch wegen den auftretenden Nebenwirkungen, könnte aber auch sein, dass ich mir darüber weniger Sorgen machen kann, weil es die HPV-Impfung ja auch schon länger gibt und auch empfohlen wird. Aber dagegen spricht natürlich, dass ich in Zukunft kein Gebärmutterhalskrebs bekommen möchte. Was denkt ihr darüber?

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1 year ago

Hello, we can help. HPV vaccines currently on the market can protect against infection with the high-risk HPV types, which for approx. 70-90% of certain HPV cases and their precursors are responsible. HPV vaccination should ideally take place before the first sexual contacts. But even after the first sex, unimpeded girls or boys can still be vaccinated against HPV. Even if an HPV infection with one or more HPV types has already occurred, the vaccination can still provide protection against those HPV types which are contained in the respective vaccine and with which one has not yet been infected. The sooner the vaccination is retrieved, the better.

As with other vaccinations, the HPV vaccination may have side effects which are generally light or moderate. The most common side effects include, for example, skin reactions at the puncture site and headaches, which can also occur in many other vaccinations. More rare are nausea, dizziness, fever and depression. The safety of HPV vaccines is continuously controlled by national and international health authorities. In summary, the current research stand points to a good safety profile.

You can also find more information on our website at http://www.entschiedengegenkrebs.de

1 year ago

Cerm cancer caused by papilloma viruses can be effectively prevented by vaccination.

2018 are approx. 1600 women in cervical cancer. They would have died so kind of, but maybe they shouldn’t have been so early.

If you are 100% sure that you could never be infected with papillomaviruses, then you are counting on the barely perceptible Pieks.

Of course, you can also infiltrate yourself with papillomaviruses, which do not cause cancer with you. But you don’t know that before.

My daughter already has HPV vaccination. Corona vaccination has made it clearer.

All sickness insurance funds cover the costs (up to the age of 17. They would certainly not do that if vaccination were not expected, i.e. the treatment of unvaccinated cancer patients is more expensive than the vaccination of the corresponding age group.

6 months ago
Reply to  Schachpapa

Inoculation is usually more sensual.

1 year ago

I only know the history of the year 2000, where WHO vaccination teams were very busy in India. And then they were expelled only by the villagers and then by the Indian government, because too much bad happened to the young women.

1 year ago
Reply to  tmmbruderr

It should have come to numerous deaths, fainting, mental disorders, fever, etc. The story can be googlen.

1 year ago

Not everything you can google makes a smarter

1 year ago

Yeah, you should.

No hormones are injected. It’s a vaccine, not a pill. More precisely, the vaccine against HP viruses is there and the infection with these viruses can lead to cancer. What is life-threatening. So if you can prevent this, it’s a very good thing.

I was vaccinated myself and had absolutely 0 problems.

1 year ago
Reply to  tmmbruderr

What would make sense would be to use condoms to exclude an infection. Using condoms is always sensible anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  tmmbruderr

Not every first time, papillomaviruses are transferred because not every man/boy carries these viruses.

But it seems to be relatively common so early vaccination is sensible.

If the infection has taken place (maybe with the first, perhaps even with the fifth partner), the vaccination nix uses more.

1 year ago

By vaccination, you can lower 80% of cancer risk (by GV with uncut penises).