HPV bei älteren Frauen?
Hallo Leute,
meine Frauenärztin nervt mich schon seit mehreren Jahren damit, dass ich eine HPV Impfung durchführen lassen sollte. Ich bin bereits 50 Jahre und der HPV Test war bisher immer negativ.
Im Fernsehen habe ich einmal einen Beitrag gesehen, in dem nicht empfohlen wurde bei älteren Frauen eine HPV Impfung durchzuführen, da dies das Immunsystem durcheinander bringen könnte und die Virustypen aktiviert, die bisher gut durch das eigene Immunsystem bekämpft wurden.
Mir geht es nicht um den finanziellen Aspekt, sondern eher darum, dass ich meine Schutzwirkung verlieren würde und eine Impfung somit mehr negative als positive Auswirkungen hätte.
Kennt jemand diesen Beitrag oder hat von diesem Problem ebenfalls gehört? Vielen Dank im Voraus!
It is important to make well informed decisions when it comes to our health.
As already written, HPV vaccination should ideally take place before the first sexual contacts. But even after the first sex, HPV can still be vaccinated. Even if an HPV infection with one or more HPV types has already occurred, the vaccination can still provide protection against those HPV types which are contained in the respective vaccine and with which one has not yet been infected. The sooner the vaccination is retrieved, the better.
We hope this information will help you.
More information is available on http://www.entschiedengegenkrebs.de
Thanks for your detailed feedback, are you an expert in this field?
Does it also have a small benefit if you have already been infected with the virus? Are there any concerns that, in exceptional cases, speak against vaccination?
Vaccination is definitely worth at a higher age.
Above all, the side effects you described are in my opinion nonsense.
Besides, it’s always absurd to listen to his doctors who rarely say something for fun or?
Wouldn’t be aware that it’s sensible.
The vaccination should ideally take place, BEVOR becomes sexually active, i.e. at 9 years or so. The reason for this is that HPV is sexually transmitted.
I don’t think that’s true. Why an vaccination should “activate” already existing viruses is not clear to me either. If an infection with HPV has already manifested, you are already infected.
As far as I know, vaccination is only absurd before the first GV. Never heard of being inoculated later.
This is also my knowledge. When the vaccination was introduced as cash benefit (before none of it was heard), my daughter was already full year and “the first time” was behind her for a while. At that time, it was exactly what you wrote here and I did this for me, and I don’t care about it anymore.
But don’t want to rule out that there was a further development.
Yes possible, but my female doctor is actually also very caring. It would have recommended me, I guess.
Yeah, like that. I’ve been for precaution this year. I’ll be back next year.
Since I’m going to take precautions next month, I’ll talk about it and inform you if you like it. Now I want to know! 😉