HP Pagewide Drucker mit 2 Netzwerken verbinden?

Hallo zusammen, wir besitzen in unserem Büro 2 Wlan Router (Fritz-Boxen) mit zwei verschiedenen Anschlüssen (wir haben gerade das Büro nebenan hinzugenommen und das Signal unseres Routers reicht leider nicht bis ins neue Büro).

Jetzt möchte ich unseren Drucker mit beiden Netzwerken verbinden damit alle auf den selben Drucker zugreifen können, egal in welchem Netzwerk sie sich befinden. Ist das technisch irgendwie umsetzbar?

Ich würde gerne vermeiden einen zweiten Drucker anschaffe zu müssen. Ich bin der Admin, mir liegen also alle technischen Daten vor.

Es wäre super wenn mir da jemand weiterhelfen könnte! 🙂

Danke Euch! Josephine

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2 years ago

I have many questions and very much fear of the potential answers…

But to your problem > you would have to connect the two networks to each other via a router… and at the same time you would have to tell the plasterouters (Fritzbox) that there is a new route to the corresponding network. In the place I am not sure if the fritzboxes support such a functionality at all.

It would probably be more useful if there is no other reason for a network separation of the two offices to distribute a network over both offices.

2 years ago
Reply to  Krabat693

The Fritz!Boxes can assign other networks and also act static routes. However, you should take care of the guest network. The network for the guests is always the same. This should therefore be activated at most on a device

2 years ago
Reply to  Krabat693

I am not sure if the fritzboxes support such a functionality at all.

Not all. The current models – unless they are the smallest variant of a model series – usually support static routes.
The problem of setting up this “bridge” remains when the admin has never done that.

It might be easier to connect a print server to the printer on a possibly existing USB port, which is then integrated into the second network. Then the networks otherwise remain cleanly separated. (Also, if you do not have access permissions from one to the other network).

2 years ago
Reply to  Krabat693

Yes you can do, but then you have n routing “problem” with 2 WAN accesses, which you have to “dissolve” again. I find the VPN solution better for a little Fritz!Box office, especially in pointo: “I would like to avoid having to purchase a second printer” I read as: should cost as little as possible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Josephine1510

Without knowing the local conditions, this is of course difficult to plan. But how does it look to transfer cables? In office rooms you often have attached cover over which you can easily and easily throw LAN cables. Then you would only have to reconfigure one of the fritzboxes so that instead of as a router it only functions as an access point and then connect the two fritzboxes to each other via a LAN cable. Then both WLANs would be a common network and the cover will change altogether nix.

2 years ago

Well, that’s not possible without a move. It is best to set up a VPN tunnel between the Fritz!Boxes if data protection is possible and you can make it comfortable. Because the routers can communicate directly with each other and you can print them from both networks.

2 years ago
Reply to  thope684

Right, that’s also an option, and not a bad one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Josephine1510

Yeah, it’s a little bit here. But somehow I don’t understand how you want to build a mesh if the signal strength is not enough? Clearly the boxes have n more powerful WiFi module than the printer. But if the printer isn’t at all, it’s probably going straight with the boxes and this would be extremely susceptible to disturbance in the smallest smallness of signal disorder, which can also not be productive and n cables for the mesh will probably not be able to lay, otherwise even for the printer. Somehow I don’t understand the question if you can get a signal or put n cables for n mesh. Or I’m just tired. How did it solve by now?

2 years ago
Reply to  Josephine1510

Yes, if you have advantages and not extra effort with cables and so. I have no idea if the FritzBox can bundle it honestly. Never had that 2 Fitzboxen with 2 WAN routes in a network were without extra router that bundles it. N small CIsco device or Netgear at least. No idea if the two can do this together in the mesh 😀