HP Drucker hat nur noch ein weisses Display wenn ich ihn einschalte, sonst keine Lebenszeichen, was würdet Ihr als erstes tun?

Am PC habe ich ihn «entfernt», dacht ev. wird er neu erkannt. Geht aber nicht. Er ist per Netzwerk verbunden.

Garantie ist abgelaufen. Gekauft 2017.

LaserJet Pro MFP M426fdn

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1 year ago

The display only needs power to light.

Depending on how the lighting is controlled, the device lights as soon as the device has power and is then switched off by the software if necessary.

If a device does not have a function, but parts have unambiguously power (display lighting), then the software does not start or crashes before the device is fully initialized (so all parts are grounded). So electricity is probably everywhere, but the software is not running.

This can be that the firmware has been deleted, RAM/ROM/CPU or something that has broken or something that prevents the start of the software.

So pull everything out to the power cable, especially memory cards and USB sticks.

Then you can only open the device and see if all cables and plug connections are correctly fixed and the correct voltage is applied to certain parts. For voltage measurement, voltage data are searched on the circuit board, e.g. “+5V” and whether they are present. Then you can measure known ICs according to data sheet whether they get their power supply.

And after that it becomes difficult, then you need a lot of experience to limit the mistake.

1 year ago
Reply to  chasperli1965

He can also get a damage that has become worse. Or the thing just died.

In any case, you can only try out if the starting process of the device is disturbed by add-on parts and storage media, in which you can cut off everything out of power, which can be put off as an operator. And if that’s still not possible, it’s complicated, the device has to be opened. And the simple opening and reingching of a technician already costs a considerable part of the new price. If there is a long troubleshooting and spare parts then you have a used device that can break again at any time (on something else) almost at the price of a new device or more!

1 year ago

Can you somehow reset it? Read the guide. Looks like a software error. Perhaps, as I said, a resetting of the entire printer helps.

Take him away from the network and connect him directly

1 year ago
Reply to  chasperli1965

If the printer hangs on the net or otherwise is somehow accessible via USB then there is usually the possibility to log on to the printer via a browser. However, you should check the user manual. The magic word is Factory Reset.

1 year ago
Reply to  chasperli1965

What is this model? I’ve already found it in your question.

1 year ago
Reply to  chasperli1965

Yes, for example, there are always several ways to connect the printer. But if you don’t get on with partout, HP also has a customer hotline.

1 year ago

At least you have a hint. In the Fritzbox you can usually find in the WLAN or LAN settings which computers are connected to the box. You have to worry about it, I can’t roll out the red carpet. You can take printers into a repair shop or go into a computer shop, not to the chains, but to an independent small shop that knows well with such stuff.

1 year ago

then it is broken, happens quickly at HP shortly after the end of the warranty

1 year ago
Reply to  Christian320

I can’t understand. My father has an HP printer who is over 20 years old.

1 year ago
Reply to  Singuli

Opas KFZ was also 12 years old and had no defect. Do you really think that because of this fact, all KFZ go around for years without defects, just because Grandpa has made such experience?

Please do not answer with YES now, because then you did not understand technology and life.

1 year ago

Whatever model your father has, printer has caused damage and it should be guaranteed to contact HP.

1 year ago

No, my father doesn’t have the printer.

1 year ago

Your statement to the defect of the printer was:

I can’t understand. My father has an HP printer who is over 20 years old.

So you read out here that you generally say that the HP printer LaserJet Pro MFP M426fdn from the questioner would not be broken or it could not bebecause your father is over 20 years old without a defect.

And this statement is insane, because not generalized.

1 year ago

But in the answer, it sounds like you could generalize it. And that’s not true.