HP DeskJet 3720 druckt nicht?

Hallo, ich bräuchte mal einen Rat. Habe unseren Drucker gerade mal wieder vom Schrank geholt. Er wurde eine ganze Weile nicht genutzt. Nun habe ich mehrmals versucht eine Farbkopie zu machen. Und auf dem Display erscheint die ganze Zeit nur eine Null und es blicken immer zwei solche komischen Symbole ( sieht auf dem Bild aus wie ein offenes Rechteck). Die alte Farbpatrone wurde gerade gewechselt aber die schwarze haben wir drin gelassen, weil wir gerade keinen Ersatz haben. Aber das, wenn man einen Druck in Auftrag gibt, gar nichts passiert, verstehe ich nicht.

Kann mir vielleicht jemand einen Rat geben?

Ich würde mich über Antworten sehr freuen.

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2 years ago

According to the user manual S. 95, this error means:

One of the following problems may have occurred.

— Both cartridges are missing.

— Both cartridges are not used correctly, or the adhesive strip has not been removed at both.

— Both cartridges are incompatible or damaged.

Try out the following ways to fix this problem. — If no cartridge is used in the printer, use the cartridges.

— If both cartridges are inserted in the printer, remove the cartridges. Make sure that the adhesive strip has been removed and then insert the cartridges correctly.

— Make sure you use the right HP cartridges for your printer.

— If the error continues to occur, change the cartridges. You can find information about the replacement of the cartridges by replacing the cartridges on page 52.

Maybe make the contacts on the cartridges clean.

If necessary, the other cartridge must also be replaced (since dried), which should not lead to this error.

If the printer hangs on the network, it might be possible to have an accurate error description via the EWS (integrated web server, input IP address of the printer into the browser). I don’t know what it looks like with these cheaper devices.

2 years ago

The color is dried, print head has to be cleaned out, and in alcohol get new cartridges.

2 years ago

Printers are broken with cartridges that have integrated the nozzles like other ink jets but also Epson uses a cleaning system, Canon and HP put on cheap nozzles that need to be bought again and again. The cartridges have an electronics that checks if the cartridges are still full, but this is a thing in old cartridges.

Laser printers are better here.