How to Fake Tränen?
Hii habe letztens so Bilder geshen wo eben so leicht Tränen in den augen waren und leicht halt so am Gesicht runtergelaufen sind. Fand diese Bilder meggggga schön und asthetic und so. Kann aber so auf Knopfdruck nd weinen. Und will keine zwibel nehmen oder so. Deswegen eine Frage ob jmd Tipss hat um halt Tränen zu produzieren.
Danke LG Jojo
It’s not that difficult in principle. Mix water with a little glycerol if necessary, which is much better than natural tears. This increases the surface tension and the tropics do not run down so quickly. Drop the pipette!
And why not, where is the problem?
If you want to be completely without eye irritation, buy eye drops in the drugstore shop and do the stop as a fake tear.
Eye drops should run under “or so”.
(I don’t want to take onions or something.)
Maybe. Unfortunately, the FS no longer speaks of why the onion does not go. It can also be because you look redd and fluffed, which probably doesn’t look like “aesthetic”.
Onion is very practical and cost-effective… in the pictures you will definitely not be able to smell it and you will get the smell of the mouth, the photo and the tears, neither.
In itself, all that irritates the eyes, as well as Tiger Alm.
Or physical pain.
Or simply think of something sad, such as wars, personal losses in the area and funerals, world hunger, pollution….usw.
So I find the onion is a good solution hydrate️🙂
there are tear pens based on Menthol. Looks like a lipstick and then you put your eyes down