How should I transport 80 kg dumbbell weights? ( airplane, costs ) please help me

I’m taking a total of 80 kg with me…

You are only allowed to take up to 15 kg otherwise it will be really expensive…..

What should I do?

There’s no gym where my mother drags me…

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11 years ago

most airlines have the option of transporting sports equipment, so much
I know this is more about things like golf bags or skis or something… Of course, you have to pay an au-price… ask the airline, did you order the tickets on the Internet or at the travel agency?

11 years ago

You can usually take up to 20 kg per person, but you also need something to dress and so. Ask the airline, but that can be very expensive.
What do you want to do? Leave the bullshit at home, if necessary with crooked bottles, walk, swim or drive there by taxi into a muckibude. It’s still gonna be cheaper than dragging around the stuff.
You’ll be able to take another 14 days.

11 years ago

For example, Condor costs the kilo on shortcuts 10 and on long distances 20 euros. Buy cantons at the destination and sell later can be better.(do not know the prices) LG gadus

11 years ago

and you die if you can’t train 1 or 2 weeks or something?

go swimming, run, move or so… go cycling is good, or is there where your mum drags you?

Lg, Anna

11 years ago

Make handstanddips substitute.