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15 years ago

In the past, transfers have sometimes lasted over a week. Not until they get something on the lid again, it works. I live in Turkey. So backward the country is in many respects, with many banks the transfer works within seconds. Even from Germany, the amounts are booked immediately when you deposit on a Turkish bank…. So this should also create our banks… that has something to do with. There are billions on the way, and this brings pretty interest when you let them work for yourself….

15 years ago

This depends on: Within a network (e.g. between two savings banks, two cooperative banks or two post-bank branches) today, it is usually much faster – the money is often the same or the next day at the recipient.
However, if the sender and recipient bank belong to different networks, the payments are processed via the Bundesbank, which extends the processing time by one day.
A more detailed description of this is available here: sheetemz.pdfOf course, the banks could also connect directly to each other, but as ordinary payment transactions do not involve banks at all, no bank seems to have an interest in investing great in this area.

15 years ago

if it is the same BANk, it takes seconds .. online transfer .. or foreign BAnk then it is flash transfer, but also only seconds will fall here cost to the 10-15 euro extra

15 years ago

there are two different procedures. The Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken, for example, operate in the live procedure, i.e. the bank bonds are transferred in real time within milliseconds. However, many banks are still working in the batch process, the total transfers are collected and transferred once or several times daily as a whole and this can lead to transfer times of 2 working days at different batch times, if you have bad luck. On weekends and holidays nothing happens at all, not even during the live procedure.

10 years ago

simply explained!!! There is a real-time system. So the process of a transfer takes only seconds, if at all,here what is to be posted and write well there,more it is not!! Giralgeld! However, since the banks take the right to clean up one or two days with the money to be transferred (in china , USA, etc., if this is a switch-off), the credit will only take place a few days later.

With billions of money, this is the first time you get a bit of profit.

15 years ago

That’s really different. Selling in the Ebay… if the buyer also has postbank and online banking, the money is on after 5 minutes. On Tuesday money was handed over to me, that’s still not there. But two days in the normal case is already in.

15 years ago

also comes to your account status. because it sometimes happens when you pay with card, later you could be debited. Therefore, the bank with the actual transfer does not have the risk of overdrawing.

15 years ago

It is an electronic transaction that can be carried out in no time. Theoretically, the money could be transferred from one minute to the other. But banks make money with transactions and therefore can be time.

15 years ago

if the other has the same bank, actually immediately. If you have a PayPal account, the money is also available immediately to buy other things again.

14 years ago

Thus, within the postbank, the transfers are booked directly with the sending.

15 years ago

that would not be done in a minute – would not bring them money…

15 years ago

they can do more or less immediately, they just do nciht.

15 years ago

My years of experience in online banking within Germany, no matter what bank: today, transfer to it by noon tomorrow.

15 years ago

You’re just not doing it.

15 years ago

if you want to know it exactly ask your bank, maybe you’re lucky and they’ll tell you

15 years ago
Reply to  schildi

they will be

15 years ago

Somewhere the milliions for Josef Ackermann and Co. have to come.