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14 years ago

chill a few minutes and wait, this is the most effective… Adrenaline is responsible for short-term stress and is quickly degraded by itself… what do you want to get rid of it at all?

14 years ago

Even if the answer comes quite late. Excess adrenaline can only be degraded by sports or relaxation techniques. Adrenalin leads to a protective reaction: fear of mammoth? Then nothing like this! Suddenly, energy is released that helps escape. Although there are no mammoths today, there is a whole series of threatening situations – one of them is too much stress. The body wants to leave, the mind forbids it. The body produces adrenaline and you’ll get rid of it only when you’ve broken it. Sports, Sports, Sports.

14 years ago

Not at all, the body pours it out when it is needed (stress), and then rebuilds it.

14 years ago

is quark…if you are not hunted permanently by nem mamut your adrenalin is completely degraded in a few minutes; the loss of effect occurs within a few seconds….