How can I save the world?
Hello, I need some arguments… how can I save the world?
Hello, I need some arguments… how can I save the world?
Hallo, mein erster Grow (Fat Banana Auto) hat seid ein paar Tagen gelbe Blattspitzen (siehe Foto) Ich baue im Grow Zelt an bei relativ konstanten Bedingungen, 18/6 Lichtzyklus und ich dünge circa alle 3-4 Tage. Sie geht jetzt so langsam in die Blütephase. Tritt nur bei den oberen neueren Blättern auf. Was kann ich tun?
Der Horizont erscheint dem Beobachter immer Flach. Auch vom Heißluftbalon.
Meine Nachbarin nervt damit das die Erde von Blumentopf zu ihr runter fließen und jetzt Weis ich nicht was ich machen soll. Hat einer eine Möglichkeit und wieso passiert das überhaupt?
Die Frage ist ein bisschen blöd, aber denk ihr es wird dieses Jahr in Österreich / Kärnten noch fest schneien?
Ich persönlich nicht, aber mich würde mal eure Meinung interessieren
Hey, haben von der Haushaltsauflösung meiner Oma noch 3 Blaue 120l Säcke mit gemischten Müll… da ist wirklich alles drin… von Restmüll über Papier bis Plastik. Weiß jemand zufällig wo ich die entsorgen kann? Bei unseren Wertstoff/Recyclinghöfen finde ich nur die Info, dass vorsortierter Müll abgegeben werden kann. Da wir aber auch einen etwas, ich…
You can’t. No mortal man can do it – except Jesus Christ, and he did it when he took up death on the cross for all, defeated sin and resurrected on Easter morning, in ascension the power appeared invisible and at Pentecost poured his spirit on his children. Since then, the salvation of the world has been accomplished, although not yet visible to all, but experienceable. Jesus is called “Savior” and he is entrusted to him for anyone who believes in him. There is no other name given in heaven and on earth, in which we shall be saved than the name of Jesus (Acts 4).
ach, then the student essay is meaningless. aminschen can write: World has been saved for 2000 years. Medieval with torture and witch burns – all in the green area. Forest, coral and species mortality only a myth. Changes in climate from above. Fukushima: a blessing. And greed and misfortune and other causes of dissatisfaction have long been fought.
It’s all right! In the opinion of the Holy Scriptures, only “settled” does not mean that all problems and evil have been eliminated from the world, otherwise we do not need to ask in the Father’s: “Savend us from evil.” Rather, it is rumored for the person who entrusts his life to the Savior that he is saved for time and eternity, the death and violence of the devil, the coercion of sinfulness and eternal lostness (damage) by the deputy and inclusive atonation of the Son of God on the cross. At the cross, he solved the question of guilt, and when he comes back, he will solve the question of power, all that you mentioned. By the way, witch burns have not been Christian deeds, but have been the worst abuses, but also the Catholic Church knows. But I also ask everyone to think once about how long this has been and, above all, how much good through the Church, Caritas. Diakonie, Seelsorge, Hospice, Annunciation, Teaching, Community work, Youth work, Senior work, Adult education, Children’s Church, Casualia… day by day, year by year, by which churches are performed. Whoever ignores this in his polemics makes himself unbelievable. All these are the fruits of the spirit that emanate from the Risen.
How about Iceland generates electricity with geothermal power plants and operates with the power level building in high-rise buildings, in Iceland it is super possible to use geothermal energy. With Iceland, we could get food for all the world and bio-sprit and that for all, so we would not need and let many areas be devastated.
you have to go through that.
Of course you can save the world, every one of us… if not you, who then?
We are all equal people with slightly different qualities. Discover your and become an effective part of society. Go choose, imagine, dream huge and act. If you see what you think something needs to be done, then be this change and carry it through. Reasons organizations, or from to research, environmental education, politics, pedagogy etc. There are so many areas where people are needed to make the difference…
But the question has always been old, so what kind of way did you make up for the world?
One thing I would have, you could write to Iceland, that they are supposed to use more geothermal energy without rotating animal species or plant species, and that they are supposed to operate Vertical Farming, and that with the power of geothermal power plants, so that they supply all the world with biosprit and food, and we can no longer open forests for food, and so that we can have many areas that we can no longer need to be spoiled.
There are three things that mean:
• Nature is becoming increasingly contaminated and the risk of a fast world-total destruction is increasing
• Human society is becoming more and more fast, so it changes faster and more radically, even with less predictable consequences
• The individual people are getting sick in their lives (physical vomiting and psychological, especially depression and addiction) and are thus distracted or prevented from actively shaping their political and natural environment (with).
My thesis: Nature can only be healthy if humanity as a whole is healthy. A healthier humanity can only be achieved if the mass of people becomes healthier.
The biggest deficiency that is facing this today is the lack of physical movement and lack of sun.
That is why a saving of the world is not possible without a sport that is so pleasant that it is perceived as something like a holiday (active leave) (and thus is continued to be made) and that is not only a little healthy, but the healthiest at all.
This sport, or better this sporty recreational activity, I mean to have developed. It is a very special form of endurance. I call it walking-running (an intervening between walking and running with the premises “Genuss” and “maximum health”), also called other names such as “Eisjoggen”, “nature runs”, “running”, “Gugaln” or “nighing”.
This sporty recreational activity is presented in the book »Weltretten Goes differently: For people who leave out paths« by Alexander Zettrawski, available as a pocketbook or eBook on Amazon.
With geothermal power plants in Iceland
Create electricity?
How is the idea when electricity is generated with geothermal power plants in Iceland, with the electricity separating water to hydrogen and oxygen and supplying it as a fuel to Europe and the world?how is it when Iceland becomes rich vertical farming then operates in skyscrapers with the power of earth heat power plants and to eat into the world, and lands are devastating or staying wild around the world ?
You would have to write this to the Icelandic Environmental Minest and Government
You can’t save them by yourself now.but improve a bit, for example by donating or climate protection.
You can’t really save the world, but you can become a hero. Just cause accidents before someone gets hurt, save them. So everyone thinks you’re always in the right place at the right time.
No, you don’t.
Donate all your money to any organizations. They will certainly not sack this for themselves, but give all starving children. Just buy organic, there’s no garbage or anything left. Reasons a group against mass consumption and commerce on Facebook. Smoke all day weed, and tell humanity how much you hate Western civilization. Google after pseudo-philosophical metaphors and post them on Facebook. This will change the world!
That’s probably just going in a PC game. Or if you had as many trillion euros as China.
But very quickly the world is ruined again if nothing changes in the minds. And this is not the case when we have to make demolitions of the standard of living – see climate catastrophe.
You can contribute at most by not compromising any nonsense and fashion. Always turn on the brain. Many say that it is easy to save, but that is not so simple, because then the economic frits come and see growth at risk. So: Peaceful and ecologically prassed! And occasionally buy a box of beer from which a part of the jungle is bought 🙂
With the data and computing power of Google. Google should optimize the world and minimize suffering. Logistics and infrastructure, production processes, behavioral rules and/or quotations. And also generate the propaganda and make them good and right for people. With so many people, it’s just artificial intelligence. If you had to plan this by hand, you would be completely overwhelmed and there would be only chaos. I can’t imagine it right.
You can’t save her, but you can help her to retire where you donate.
Must the world be saved? If so, what? As long as there aren’t any bangs thrown with A bombs, our world doesn’t need any salvation. Of course, we should protect our environment, but we must still be able to live on our earth. Resources are inevitably needed for this. With these resources, however, we should be as sensible and economical as possible. The alleged climate protectors are doing this not.
Maybe with the idea
by traveling… heist, working on you and getting happy. so you can do something good to mankind!
First progress: try to teach GF framers that Google exists… the rest comes from “alleene”…
lol…just get your Superman outfit out…and go on ^^
stupid question.
Ask less stupid questions! 🙂
Are all Vanessas as clever as you show in your answers? 1% most helpful answers, all respect.
Well, if you have a problem with me, say that quietly!