Hotel gebucht und lässt mich nicht rein?

Ich habe für 3 Tage ein Hotel gebucht. Ich hatte eine Email geschrieben worauf nicht reagiert wurde. Daraufhin habe ich angerufen und gefragt ob was frei sei für den genannten Zeitraum, mir wurde gesagt ja aber ich kann erst nachmittags kommen.

Jetzt sagen sie jedoch alles ist belegt obwohl ich extra eine Woche vorher angerufen habe und die Zusage bekommen habe. Was kann ich jetzt tun? Und was sollte ich nächstes mal am besten machen das es nicht soweit kommt und ich dann in einem fremden Ort ohne Schlafplatz bin.

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2 years ago

Making things by phone is often faster and simple, but if something doesn’t work, then a phone call is not only worthless but actually not existent.

I think next time you should book in advance and not appear on good luck. With you will definitely find another good accommodation nearby today, which you can book directly in the app and then have something in your hand when you see that you can’t stand out again.


2 years ago

Without a written booking confirmation, you have not reserved or booked bindingly. About bokking com can’t happen because you always have your booking number. So not by phone in the future.

2 years ago

You have not reserved or booked binding (at least not with confirmation). It’s annoying, but your fault. There are hotels like sand by the sea, you will surely find something else in the short term

2 years ago

you have to give credit card info before, so if you don’t get 1 day off the card

If you don’t have to, they’d be stupid if they don’t get the closest one who definitely doesn’t pay… you don’t know if you’re coming or not

2 years ago

Just calling doesn’t use anything. You must also have a confirmation of the hotel.

2 years ago

Did you book now or just ask if what is free? The question whether (currently) something is free is not a binding booking/reservation.

No booking/reservation -> no room.

In this case, the hotel has not made any mistakes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Melin361a

Then you’re sure you have a booking confirmation and can prove that you booked a room?

2 years ago

Unfortunately, I don’t hear what sounds like a binding reservation/booking.

And since you have absolutely nothing in your hands, you will not be able to do so either. An unanswered mail to the hotel is not proof of anything.

2 years ago

No confirmation? No room..

Just because you have the intention to come and ask how to pay is still not a reservation let alone booking.

Have you already paid or deposited a credit card?

2 years ago

You always need a booking confirmation or you go over a portal