Hot Rod bauen?

Moin moin

ich wollte schon immer einen Hot rod besitzen Problem ein hot rod kostet sehr viel Geld aber ich habe Leute gesehen die das selber bauen und wollte fragen ob man schon mit 5-6k anfangen kann und wo man gute Tutorials findet außerdem wie das mit anmelden und TÜV ist

danke an alle Antworten

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1 year ago

whether you can start with 5-6k

As a basis for hotrods, pre-war vehicles are used, you will hardly find them in half-acceptable condition for under 6000€. If you find something there are the restoration objects that like to stand for 30 years and longer.

After that, the motor exchange usually comes to a V8, whose output can be extremely problematic in the anyway weak Brens installations of these cars, as you give money again for engine, chassis, tire and brake, and even more for the individual entry, because there are hardly any permitted tuning parts for such old cars.

This was cheap in Amiland at a time when cars from the 40s were mocking and they were not taken so tightly with registration regulations and operational safety.

1 year ago

V8 did it even before the war

1 year ago
Reply to  hotrod66

All right, but it wasn’t purpose and purpose in the hotrod scene to buy from the bar;) And in the case of performance increase in general, the problem with suspension and brake remains.

1 year ago

So’n Flathead is fine. And “from the bar” our rods are far away.