Findet ihr eine Hose für 170€ zu teuer
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hab Periode bekommen aber darf das nicht als Grund angeben weil das für die Ausbildung kein Grund ist kann man irgend was anderes sagen? Würde nur ein Tag ausfallen denn der erste Tag von Periode ist der schlimmste
Hallo, für einen Comic bin ich auf der Suche nach Referenzmaterial. Die Handlung spielt während bzw. kurz nach dem 30. Jährigen Krieg, also im 17. Jahrhundert. Aber online findet man kaum gutes Referenzmaterial für die Kleidung der einfachen Leute und Bürger zu der Zeit. Es soll ja auch halbwegs historisch korrekt sein. Kennt ihr zufällig…
Ich habe öfter schon gesehen manchmal dass Töchter ähnliche Stimmen wie ihre Mutter haben oder auch dass 2 Schwestern oder 2 Brüder ähnliche Stimmen haben. Zwar nicht immer aber manchmal ist mir das echt besonder aufgefallen… wird die Stimme irgendwie vererbt oder ?
In most cases definitely not.
I don’t know the prices for these fashionable jeans and co.
Just wear real deer leather pants and you don’t get them for the money.
Yes. If a 50€ pants get a no longer rustling spot after a short time and can therefore only be used as work pants, this is not as bad as a 170€ pants.
On the other hand, working pants, for example, can cost 170€, but they are appropriate. Then I’d rather have a broken pants than a sewn leg.
In any case too expensive.
Exceptions are very special rare trousers for partying from the late 1990s and early 2000 by various labels. Depending on the size and colour, the street style is traded by the label “Amok” for 350€. The “Panic” brand hardly stands for it. Used, well noted.
If the trousers keep warm at -40°C with icy wind, snow, ice and at heights of 3000 meters, then this is a good price. If this is a everyday jean that might hold 1.5 years maximum, then the VIEL is too expensive. I have pants for 8€ in the closet, which usually cost 50€.
LG Animelove007
Without further information about what it is, I would say the pants is too expensive.
Made in the same factory in Bangladesh as the trousers from the Wühltisch at Lidl for 5,99€
It’s handmade….
The price is quite justified by the tailor on site.
Depending on what goals.
But above all, if you grow, you should get under 100€.
But I say this from the perspective of a co-servant
That’s too expensive.
rubber ball
So no. Except if I know ok I’m still waking, I’d be very upset
Personal opinion: No. If it’s really high-quality, then ne.
Yeah, I find very expensive for a pants.
If it’s good quality is no if it’s a brand pants, yes
No, I don’t think, except you haven’t grown up yet
I buy jeans up to max 6o € .In a well-known jeans shop
Why say so many no ._.
VG RainbowMuffini 🌈
Depends on what it is for a pants
Why is it?
Because there may be differences in quality and production
An own brand pants
Which circumstances would it be made? What is it? What’s going to be praised that it costs so much?
She’s always handmade…
There are no Trouser Machines
But actually, I wanted to know more how the unrest of the workers are
Oh, that’s what you mean.
Ka is a jeans made of jeans fabric that she is unique and handmade
On the one hand, the workers can earn five cents in the hour and be eight years old, on the other hand the workers can also earn 10€ in the hour and be 23 years old
Like what?
As a working pants by STRAUSS yes- .
Because she looks cool
I don’t understand your question here. And if the pants were to cost 370… Your money & they find cool. So why this question is whether it is too expensive?! Can you? Don’t buy these cool pants and ask us if the 170 are justified. You find the pants cool… & there the price doesn’t matter.
I have already bought them only interested in the opinion of the others
..find that clearly too expensive for the average citizen. Can you?
only make better earners!
I don’t earn any real money just get pockets of money
not if you have the money
If it’s a good quality, and the pants are told, that’s not too much.
I wouldn’t pay it for a simple jeans. For a good hiking outdoor pants already.
I’m running without pants. Is very liberating without materialism