Hört ihr euch Privat Hazbin Hotel Songs an?
Hallo, ich frage das, weil es mich interresiert, wie viele Leute ungefähr auch die Songs hören. Habt ihr vielleicht sogar ein Ohrwurm von ein oder mehreren Liedern?😀
Muss man sich da erst bei denen anmelden? Wollte Formel 1 aufm PC gucken…..
Hi ich suche eine folge aus Supernatura folge Wo Sam und Dean ein Auftrag für Dämonen erledigen müssen und dann beim Haus eines unsterblichen Einbrechenmüssen, um dort die Knochen,klauen?
Könnt ihr mir eine Serie empfehlen die euch gut gefallen hat?
Seid ihr Team Su-ho oder Team Seo-jun und warum? (Bei dem K-Drama True Beauty)
All songs are on my mp3 player and are played regularly during car rides. This makes a boring trip to the doctor or to the ALDI a lot more fun!
In particular, “Stayed gone”, “Hell’s Greatest Dad” and “Finale” are very common with me. And recently also “I’m Your Pet” from the real episode 4 of Staffel 2.
Mostly Insane or Daisys.
I always have earworms, including those two songs.
LG Lumi0
Aha, so not the songs of the series but Fan mades. Also interesting
But I must also say that I am still at the beginning of the series and can only look further when I am 16.
Don’t forget the 3 from the pilot sequence, i.e. 19 🙂
The series has a total of 16 songs. Gives youtube in English and German and Spotify in English. If you can listen in, it’s only cool if you know the background of the song and understand the context.
No because the series is usually looked by absolute Emos and Satan***
Oh, okay… I’m not one of them
Then it fits, however, if one represents such values through the series, it brings the work a bad reputation like my hero or JJK
Not really. Where did you get that crap?
If any 8 guns are the complete Emo / Goth are dressed with such T-shirts and wearing twisted crosses you can easily comprehend what kind of community that is Bro and before you say that is not then I must disappoint you because I have seen it myself
Then people look different. All fans I know are neither emos goths nor Satanists. I saw myself.
I am also aware that hell is represented as a good and that heaven is bad. This is such a point that I critise a little, but otherwise, as long as I like the series fits
Yes I always hear songs from there in any case that I always have as the first choice
loose baby
Listen to this rarely, but if I listen to something, then usually Loser Baby or Poison
My most listened song is Loserbaby