Hört ihr eigentlich, woher jemand aus Österreich kommt?
An die Österreicher-/innen hier: Erkennt ihr eigentlich, woher jemand aus Österreich kommt? Hört ihr, aus welchem Bundesland Österreichs eine Person kommt? Könnt ihr durch das Hören erkennen, woher jemand aus Österreich kommt?
Come to the federal state. At Wiener I notice it right away.
I usually hear it very well.
In Styria I can divide all variants of Styrian into regions again. Carinthia, Vorarlberg, Tirol, Osttirol, Salzburg, Burgenland and Vienna I basically recognize very clearly and can clearly assign dialects to the federal state.
In Upper Austria and Lower Austria, I have some problems, but I admit that there are hardly any people there, only from the Upper Austrian Salzkammergut.
And there’s something complicated: There are of course areas where dialects have great similarities despite different federal states. For example, I know people from East Tyrol who speak neither Tyrolean nor Kärtnerisch, both influenced the language there. If I didn’t know anyone from there, I could hardly differentiate it.
And so it is common with the dialects: the more I know these dialects, the easier I hear from where they come from.
Who has grown up Austria and speaks the language as a mother tongue can hear it out.
Someone can hear that when he grew up in Austria.
He hears that when it’s his mother tongue.
A fourth, equal answer has not come to me for your four equal questions.
Do you recognize someone from Vienna or Upper Austria, for example?
I don’t, but acquaintances living in Austria can.
These are not four equal questions. Whether you can hear from which country someone comes from, you have not answered.
That’s the question where someone comes from. How to name it differently from the federal state?
Partly. Sometimes I’m relatively sure, but sometimes I don’t know.
Yes, of course you can arrange the dialects (grob).
In the rest of Austria, you can recognize Vorarlberger, because it is not understood at all. This is not meant to be devalued now, but the Vorarlbergerische belongs to the Allemannische Sprachraum and differs from the rest.
Not all, but Vorarlberg, Tyrolean and Viennese.
On the different type of mouth.