Hörsturz Erfahrungen, Heilung, Dauer?

Hallo! Ich bin 20 und habe vor etwa 11 Tagen einen Hörsturz gehabt. Ich habe Kortison Tabletten und Spritzen ins Ohr bekommen und es ist auch etwas besser geworden, aber nicht vollständig. Vor allem in lauten Umgebungen und beim Musik hören, ist es sehr schlimm. Ich muss anmerken, dass ich am anderen Ohr fast gehörlos bin, also bin ich sowieso schon etwas beeinträchtigt, was das Hören angeht.

Falls ihr auch schonmal einen Hörsturz hattet – wie lange hat es bei euch gedauert? Hat es sich vollständig erholt oder lebt ihr noch immer damit? Ich lese gerne alle Erfahrungsberichte:)

Bitte keine Infos von anderen Websites, die kenne ich wahrscheinlich schon alle, ich möchte wirklich etwas von Leuten, die davon betroffen waren, erfahren! Vielen Dank 🙂

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1 year ago

My best student friend had a really bad hearing. The doctor asked him if he would like a medication therapy or no medication. It wouldn’t make any difference. He sounds normal again. This may sound somewhat unqualified, but it was just that and is perhaps an example of a variety of processes.

1 year ago
Reply to  phoebemarin

Yes, with my friend it was better within weeks and normality has lasted more than just months. But the rest is not yet really researched coffee substitute reading and as I know our medical system sophisticated money making. Effectiveness back or forth, I still wish you all good and perhaps a faster improvement than with my student friend. Maybe another hint. I wouldn’t say stress is a cause, but I think that study stress has a certain share. So if you find something like this (doesn’t have to be stress, there can be a thousand things, but don’t have to) do things a little quieter or different. Yes, funny hint, because you can’t see things in front of your own nose (if there are).

1 year ago

Keep in mind the doctor’s forecast! Finally, your condition knows best.

1 year ago

Hello phoebemarin

I had a lot to do with earrings myself. About 7 years ago I had a slight one on my right ear, but it did not completely disappear, which is why I can hear very high frequencies badly on my right ear.

At the beginning of last year I had a very strong hearing fall on my left ear. There was also surgery as I was close to Taub. Three months later, my hearing had recovered. At least so far that I can wear an earpiece on the left ear (which I do, too, for 7 months. But the tinnitus didn’t leave.

I hope I could help you a little bit. Greeting Paul