Hormonhaushalt normalisieren?
bin eigentlich schon so halb aus der Pubertät raus.
18, weiblich.
Naja, ich hab auf jeden Fall das Gefühl, dass meine Hormone bisschen verrückt spielen… Vor allem, weil meine Haut auch am Eskalieren ist..
Hat jemand Ideen, wie ich das wieder verbessern kann?
PS: Pille darf und will ich nicht nehmen (Wechselwirkung mit Antidepressiva)
You could try it with Agnus Castus (Mönchspfeffer, Keu mud) and women’s coat.
Agnus Castus is available for sale in DM as capsules or in pharmacies. You can also go to the gynecologist and write Agnus Castus in a suitable dosage.
Agnus Castus saved my cycle both in puberty and recently. I got my period too early during my corona infection and after that my cycle was completely messed up. I then took Agnus Castus for 6 months which set my cycle to a rhythm of 30 days (before I had a 25-27 day cycle). My cycle then played relatively fast after leaving Agnus Castus and has kept a rhythm of 30 days what I find okay.
Of course, Agnus Castus needs at least 3 months until it really does. So you have to expect to take a tablet every day for the next time. It’s not bad if you forget it.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Thank you for your answer!!
Yeah, that helped me.
I’ve been thinking about taking monk’s suitcase for a long time. I only take relatively strong antidepressants. Do you know if the monk’s whistle is with Sertralin?
For example, in the case of currants, you have to look enormously
Agnus Castus has no known interactions and also the interaction check has not discovered any vulnerabilities: https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/medikamente/wechseleffektscheck/
But since I’m not a doctor, I would advise you to ask your doctor, gynecologist or pharmacist.
Does not necessarily have anything to do with your hormones, but with your intestine and liver. Both organs detoxify and your valve seems to be the skin. So adjust diet, at least for a time. Anti-inflammatory diet, bitter substances for the liver, liver wound, at best build up intestinal flora, stress management very important
Thank you! What do you mean, what should I leave? I leave sugar/white flour//transfat already.
What about sweeteners (e.g. sucralose)?
Look at this post: https://generation-pille.com/7-tipps-with-one-healthy-darm-to-clean skin/
At the end there is another bay tip, I can recommend