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Everyone has the right to listen to music, so it doesn’t matter how much power and money this person has as long as it does not hurt any other person or violate the law.
Take an example of the Basic Law (GG) in Article 2, paragraph 1.:
Yeah, they do. There is no reason why not
Yes, we hear music, have big record collections and great hi-fi system systems!
Bsp.: Two rooms in our house are filled with sound carriers: one room only with CDs, another room only with vinyl records < over 100,000 pieces.
My hi-fi stereo system has cost more than my wife’s car – and she drives a new BMW!
For concerts and festivals we travel across Europe! *cool
I even make music! Have a piano in the living room, a drum in the cellar and in your own sample room about 50 guitars! I also produce and finance artists and bands… < < < < < music is an expensive but beautiful hobby! :)
The question is more why they should not listen to music
I think everyone wants to hear the music does that, the same also applies to rich
Of course. Music almost all people hear. Music unites us.
Of course. Many even make them.
Yeah, sure they do.
No, where do you think?
from 1 million on the account, people suddenly stop the need for music
But probably less than poor people. Because they usually work more and take care of their fortune than their pleasure.
Rich people are also only people xD
many musicians are themselves millionaires or billionaires
In any case
Ever seen movies where they have a whole orchestra live to listen to :)?
Of course
What now?
Of course!
What is that question? Both rich and poor people listen to music.
Yes, rich people also hear music.
No, only poor people go to the opera and concerts 🙂
Why should Reichs not listen to music?
NO!!! How do you get that?????