Honda Rebel 125 Bobber Umbau?

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Ich fahre eine Honda Rebel 125 und würde sie gerne zu einem Einsitzer umbauen. Ich habe vor den Beifahrersitz und die Fenderhalterung abzumontieren und einen neuen Fender, neue Blinker (mit E-Prüfzeichen), einen neuen Sitz und eine Seitliche Kennzeichenhalterung zu montieren. Wird es Beim TÜV damit Probleme geben und was würde die Eintragung ungefähr kosten ?

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5 years ago

What does the holder look like from the seat? Sawing around or welding is taboo.

There are some pictures of finished rebuilds on the net, but not “Howto”.

Various images show machines that cannot be approved in .de or do not correspond to the StVO. They might be nice to look at, but you sure want to be able to drive, right?

5 years ago

You realize that an injectioner does less than a carburetor?

5 years ago
Reply to  Halo2014

Not only that – the statement is still completely wrong. 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  Halo2014

Sch**e, have read the wrong 😅 sry

5 years ago

Stay objective. We’re talking about 125ccm motorcycles. No cars and no 600, 900, 1200.

I don’t know that one XJ 600 S or one BMW R 1150 GS is a “Rennmühle”.

It would also be interesting how you think a carburetor in the car would differ from a carburetor in the motorcycle.

11kw carburetor and 11kw injectors have the same power, making it easier to achieve with a carburetor motor.

And the “simplified” is because…?

You’re making it very exciting. :

5 years ago

Oh, and I’m the bitch? Hahahaha

Stay objective. We’re talking about 125ccm motorcycles. No cars and no 600, 900, 1200.

11kw carburetor and 11kw injectors have the same power, making it easier to achieve with a carburetor motor.

But since you have “experience”, live with your knowledge 🤣

5 years ago

Your statement was:

You realize that an injectioner does less than a carburetor?

What do you fuck around like an old raccoon and suddenly ask for completely different “nights”?

Why do you think an injectioner does less than a carburetor when you write the following:

which is somewhat better is the response behavior, but the injection is also more susceptible.

Injection more susceptible than carburetor? Hm… let me just think about how much I have to do on my injector BMW: Nix.

Let me consider what I had to do on 125s, 600s and 1200 carburetors: also nix.

Car: 2x carburetor, the rest everything with injection. Carburetor was 1x defective (Pull-Down-Dose over -> so always give nice gas and do not drop the speed – then you come home). In VR6, the control of the gasoline pump was defective. A carburetor would not have come much further – fortunately gas in -> was started with LPG (was summer) and then drove to the workshop. Is great when asking about the component, it says it’s for the vehicle out there and the seller is irritated by because of “you’ve come here with it?” :

So it is proven: Injector is obviously not more susceptible to normal maintenance than a carburetor with normal maintenance.

Or do you constantly have failures which you can bring back due to decades of experience with carburetors and injectors?

Maybe it’s just a layer 8 problem? 😀

Why are 11 kW of power in the injector less than 11 kW of power in the carburetor? Please answer the question.

5 years ago

Yes, then tell me what’s better at a 125 with an injector than with a carburetor and don’t come with me, “they consume less and the exhaust gases are better”… The only thing that is somewhat better is the response behavior, but the injection is also more susceptible.