Honda CBR 600RR PC37 bj. 2003?
Hallo ich bräuchte mal eure Hilfe und zwar ist bei meiner CRB 600 RR der Knopf komplett kaputt wo man die Tageskilometer Nullen kann. Falls ich keine Lösung finde. Wäre ein neuer Tacho eine Option. Problem dieser zeigt dan 0 Kilometer wie kann ich den denn auf den aktuellen Stand bringen?
Danke für eure Hilfe
So I would dismantle the tacho, screw it up, see if you can resolve or replace the switch on the board.
Thanks for the answer brazing would be a possibility but I must find someone who can
Apparently, the one has a digital speedometer or kilometer counter. Maybe that can do the workshop.
Otherwise, connect to an analog speedometer, drilling machine and speedometer shaft and then 2 hours organs.
Otherwise you’ll document it, then you’ll take photos or videos. And if you were to ask, you said you had to renew the tacho and that was the old mileage and good.
This is ne honda, even though ne is small but it should also make its 80,000km with good care. And if you have to change the speed at 20-25k, you shouldn’t be interested.
As long as you write it and say it explicitly on the sale… and in the service book writes what the old stand was…
That’s exactly what I’d do. I’m not a professional on the subject, but I’ve been driving myself since 2001 and you want to know what to buy, if you need to buy.
Yes is an electric one. I already wrote a message to the workshop. I don’t think I have to do that. Thanks for the answer