Holzstufe in einer Leiter befestigen?
Hallo ihr lieben 🙂
Aus einer Leiter ist mir eine Stufe rausgebrochen. Habe auch schon eine neue Stufe zurecht gesägt. Meine Frage ist nur, wie ich die Stufe befestigen kann.
Soll ich Löcher in die Seite der Stufen vorbohren und in die Leiterseite auch, dann die Stufe zwischen die Leiter packen und festschrauben, und wenn ja, welche Schrauben würdet ihr mir empfehlen oder würdet ihr es anders machen?
Hier ein Bild:
so I personally don’t see the very great drama of repairing the ladder for private use occasionally, but not so
but under the step left and right one
and attach the step/step to it!
The step must be inserted into the cheeks. If you only use screws or any fastening elements there, only these carry the load and can of course tear out at any time.
In general, I hardly see a reason to still use wooden ladders nowadays, except for something like a high bed.
FINBGER WEG of such a patchwork if you don’t know how it goes professional. You’re back at the wrong moment faster than you love.
Heads are safety-relevant devices. They have to “plug” a lot during operation and still do their service. If there is a step (=splash) not properly attached and yields, then the scream is great. Therefore, the repair will leave a specialist company, or better buy a new one. It is better not to compromise with flickwerk and frying!
How was the old chase attached?
From inside with three wooden dowels on each step side. Didn’t get them out, because they were very glued. Have the sawed and smoothly ground
Can I make screws or nails from outside?
You can do that, but I don’t know if it’s holding. For safety, please replace the part (=GANZE LEITER).
*The wooden dowels are in the long side, not in the stage*