Holz, das ich mit Acryllack gestrichen habe klebt sogar nach einer Woche noch, wieso?

Stand in der sonne am Fensterbrett.Der Lack direkt aus der Tube mit einem Pinsel flächig aufgetragen. Marke ist Lascaux. Wieso klebt das denn immer noch?

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1 year ago

This may have different reasons you may have applied too much paint or do not allow it to dry properly, acrylic paint can remain sticky if it is applied too thick or not had enough time to cure. In addition, it may be that the wood surface was not well prepared if wood was not properly ground or cleaned, the paint cannot adhere properly and sticky It could also be that the room temperature was too low and therefore the paint could not dry properly

1 year ago

Stands on the tube “Acryl Color” or “Oil Color”…? The latter would need much longer for drying.

What did you get to clean the brush? Was it just running water?

1 year ago
Reply to  DasKennIch
  • there stands acrylic UV transparent lacquer

This is the keyword: UV!

The lacquer only cures by irradiation with UV light.

1 year ago
Reply to  DasKennIch

Now you would have to read the “superpack” or the general product information about this colour series, whether there are hints.

1 year ago

And what else?

1 year ago

It may be a manufacturing error.

I also had an acrylic paint that never wanted to dry and glued like a rubber for weeks. Furthermore, he did not want to attach to the wood. I took off the paint sometime with a spatula without residue.