Holt Fedex auch Möbel ab?
Möchte meine Küche verkaufen. Ein potenzieller Käufer möchte die Küche durch Fedex abholen lassen. Jetzt soll ich aber 100 Euro bezahlen damit der Auftrag bestätigt werden kann. Meine Frage, ist es normal dass man eine Vorauszahlung tätigen muss und nimmt Fedex wirklich eine komplette Küche mit?
This is a very well-known fraud, break the contact and don’t pay any money
Thank you for the nice and detailed answer
You’re just being cheated, break the contact immediately off!
Thank you for the quick feedback. I broke the contact.
This is a fraud attempt, with the likelihood of limiting security. the mash is well known.
Be polite to this person, however, that the risk is simply too high for you, that it was one, and you therefore have no instinct to deal with the trade in this way.
if the buyer wants to do it that way, he can also pay the spediteur himself!
Thanks for the quick feedback
This is fraud! You’ll never see a car from Fedex.
Thank you for the nice and honest feedback. Thank God no money paid
All right, thanks for the quick feedback