Hohlkreuz, kann Arzt helfen?
Also letztes mal meinte der Arzt ich hätte ein leichtes Hohlkreuz, allerdings aus irgendeinem Grund hat mich der Arzt nicht zu einem Physiotherapeuten geschickt.
Denkt ihr ich sollte nochmals zum Arzt deswegen gehen und darauf bestehen? Weil es sieht nicht schön aus, und ist auf Dauer wahrscheinlich auch nicht Ideal.
ich meine da muss man was dagegen machen, nicht?
A “light” cross is not necessarily a disease. But you can try to make a difference with gymnastics.
Take care of your throat cancer for the first time, that’s life-threatening.
So you think I have cancer? In addition, you should also make sports for cancer.
Do sports, train muscles, you’re already making your statements.
But you also have to do specific exercises at the Hollow Cross, and for this is a physio expert.
No, there is enough internet to look, youtube, there are numerous exercises. In addition, you should just train the back muscles, then this will stand by yourself and above all discipline.
A light hollow cross is not a disease, but simply a bad posture. You have to educate yourself to stand straight. You don’t need a physio, you need a discipline.
If it were a disease that would have to be treated, your doctor would have proposed measures.
you can do a lot of things wrong.