Höhlenbär vs Shire Horse?
Shire Horse
Größe 160-190 cm (Max. 200 cm )
Gewicht 600-850 Kg (Max. 1 T)
Nahrung: Blätter, Kräuter, Gras, Beeren, Mais, Weizen, Gerste und Pflanzen.
Waffe: Extremst starkes Austreten das Knochen Brechen kann oder bei einen Tritt ins Gesicht das Leben kosten kann.
Größe :160 cm hoch und über 3m stehend
Gewicht 600-1200 kg
Nahrung :Bison,Elche,Aas, andere Bären, Früchte,Beeren,Gras,Pflanzen Allesfresser.
Waffe:Ein Gebiss das mit Leichtigkeit Knochen brechen kann, 10 cm Fell, 5-10 cm Fettschicht und 12-15cm Länge Krallen
Wer gewinnt diesen Kampf?
If the two were to fight, the bear would win.
But that’ll happen to NIE.
Thank you.
The extinct cave bear would probably win the fight, as he can fatally hurt the horse with his pranks.
Thank you.
Horses running escape animals… So not made to fight, no matter how big they are or how strong their muscles are…
Thank you.
the cave bear is extinct.
your call at the shire horse
it would have been enough if you had written plants. leaves, berries, weizen and geste is by the way wrong.
no one could win because existing and nonexistent living beings never meet.
Not helpful
The horse is an escape animal, the bear is a predator. Horses do not belong to the prey scheme of a bear.
Thank you.
The bear.
Thank you.
The horse. Cave bears have died long ago.