Hoher Bodycount Frauen?
Findet ihr einen Bodycount von Frauen von über 3 (in einem Zeitraum von ~5 Jahren) auch eklig?
Findet ihr einen Bodycount von Frauen von über 3 (in einem Zeitraum von ~5 Jahren) auch eklig?
Hey Ich bin w21. Ich war vor einem monat Singl geworden und kann es sein, das ich wegen den stress mit der person abgenommen habe? Also mein Standart Gewicht liegt bei 63/62kg und ich bin ca 177 groß. Die person hat auch über mich im Unterricht gesprochen und so allgemein. Laut der Wage, war ich…
Heyy, meine Freundin ist seit ca 2 Monaten mit einem jungen zsm, der aber in letzter Zeit viele Sachen gemacht hat, die sie nucht okay fand. Zb hat er ihr einfach so bilder von seinen sv narben geschickt, was sie halt getriggert hat, er hat die Polizei gerufen, weil ein freund von ihm smg hatte,…
Wann eine 13 jährige am Wochenende spätestens ins Bett
Wäre ein Bier aus der Brauerei meines Dorfes (mein Lieblingsbier) ein gutes Geschenk für den Vater der Freundin, sie wohnen ca. 70km weg und es ist keine recht bekannte Brauerei, deshalb kennt er das Bier nicht. Außerdem hat er mir auch letztens eins angeboten, deshalb finde ich das angebracht, was denkt ihr?
wie kann man besser einshclafen? Was macht ihr vorher? Wie sieht eure Abendroutine aus? Wie lange dauert bei euch das einschlafen? an was denkt ihr?
No, I don’t know why. I don’t care how many men a woman has been intimate in her life. Besides, there’s no verdict.
In addition, many people have phases in their lives in which the partners – or even monkeys – change more frequently. Regardless of gender and for whatever reason.
I only hope that the woman who was thrilling me because of her character, humour, intellect, empathy and radiance (etc.) had to do with me with men who were good people and with whom she had a nice time.
If you see it as a disgusting one expects it to be seen as a disgusting in men. Why should men with 100 people have sex and women only with one person?!
Statistically, men and women have about equal numbers of partners
It is equally bad for men and women. Everyone can do what he wants, but that’s nothing for me. You can’t enter a deep bond in such a short time, and people who jump directly into bed with everyone should stay away from me.
No, I don’t think that’s gross. From a very high number, I find it somewhat questionable, namely in women and men, but ultimately I am not concerned.
Oh, okay, so the degeneration of society doesn’t matter.
Of course I’m not concerned. I can’t tell anyone how many sexual partners he or she may have.
That’s what it looks like. That’s why in every second relationship, it’s getting alienated until the doctor comes.
Just because it doesn’t matter to me, it doesn’t mean that I want to find it good or normalize it. In addition, it is a completely different story than simply sleeping with several people. Out of my view, alienation is morally outrageous. Nevertheless, I can’t change the fact that some people are going strange.
It’s okay, so we should normalize foreign business too? In the end we are also nix to 🤣
Depends on why, not everyone stays in the relationship but if you only get on sex from true then yes, that is just for men
On average, a relationship can not last longer than 1.5 years. You can think about it. Then the question is MIT WEM? And it is not up to the men, but how she saw these men or still sees them. An Alphawitwe is always bad. Whether BC=1 or BC=500
no guy has no bump on it when she expresses her last wish in the deathbed: “a last time sex with my ex!”
The bodycout doesn’t matter if you can beat all the men who were before you. A bodycount of 1 is worse when it was the worst stecher.
Right. But do you want to do it? 😂
We understand
Believe this body count thing is only important when you’re young.
No, also plays a relevant role in relationships. Will give a reason why relationship between couples with a high bodycount often fails 🤗 (also valid for marriages)
Is everything related to age… How does a high body count and 30 years of marriage work? Or are you going strange?
Why would that be?
He doesn’t write that. He gives a period when you have this bodycount, no age.
No, he compares the same. He writes that. What is not to be understood.
Bodycount makes sense in relation to age. 15 men with 16 is different than 62
So what?
Yeah, too. He 57, she, 57, as bsp
How do you think it’s related to age?? Are you stupid…. Compare studies GLEICHALTRIGE couples 🤦 ♀️
No. But I find people disgusting that way.
Why, can’t I find it disgusting if several genitals were from a man in a woman?
Because this is sexist and immature.
It’s completely if you’d never have anything with more than a woman (voluntarily!) and then look for a partner that ticks as well.
But convicting someone like this, who ticks differently, but nobody hurts, is completely out.
You can find it disgusting just as you make yourself disgusting for others with this statement.
Well. Don’t worry about it. Gives enough men that the bodycount doesn’t care. Go to them 😉
What a sexist and public view.
So it is, in Germany such a disgusting behavior has unfortunately become normal
Country of origin normal 🙄
Ne, it’s enough for me to know if he’s over 2/3 or not (you can get it pretty easily, women are battering each day)
Normal = what is the average in Germany? I didn’t know that Germany was the measure of all things 🤣🤣🤣
As if you will ever learn the exact bodycount of a woman.
With normal I mean a behavior that corresponds to the average.
Normal? Are you now the one who can decide about normal and abnormal? 🤣🤣🤣
Watch your tone.
You explicitly find women disgusting who do totally normal things.
Explain why sexist is you intelligence beast
Okay, you find my testimony disgusting, and I find women with a high bodycount eklig 🤗 so I’m fine
I know. Best only virgins and you could have had 100. Don’t wonder if you stay alone forever.
Sure, why should I want a woman with a bodycount of 10 if there are also virgins? Can it be that you are on women with “experience” 🤣