Hohe Nachzahlung UPS Paket?

Servus Community,

Ich habe mir in Internet was bestellt .

Die Bestellung kam aus Florida .

Versandunternehmen UPS

Der Wert : 190 Euro .

Der Versand hat 30 Euro gekostet.

Heute kam der Paket Bote und ich sollte 68,35€ nachzahlen um das Paket zu bekommen !!

Ich selber war nicht zu Hause und mein Vater hat dieses angenommen und bezahlt.Hätte es selber abgelehnt.

Wie kommt der Betrag zu stande ?

Das einzige was ich mir erklären kann, sind die Zoll Steuern welche über 150 Euro anfallen.

Diese sind aber doch kein 35 %

Der Rechnungs Betrag wurde in Vorfeld alles bezahlt.

Bei UPS kann ich keinen genaue Daten sehen und der Verkäufer meldet sich nicht .

Danke für eure Antwort.

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1 year ago

The total amount (good +delivery) is always calculated.

From 5€ EUST (usually 19%) will be due, from 150€ additional inch (depending on product group)

To this end, processing fee of the carrier

There are in the net computer for import duties.


That should be broken down on your receipt.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rimowa

It is also not possible for a seller to declare the respective import regulations to each customer worldwide.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rimowa

No, you didn’t ask or pay attention to what is being sent!

And there is no need for UPS and Fedex, but rather USPS.

And that the 19% import turnover tax has already come to some 42 euros for a total of 220€ (commodity costs + shipping costs) hopefully you realized…

So what did you expect? Free customs clearance by the shipping service provider?

That’s right!

1 year ago

What is more, what German seller knows about the customs regulations of Timbuktu 😉

1 year ago

They don’t know the idR, especially in the USA.

1 year ago

> How is the amount obtained

That’s exactly on the bill.

Value 190 + 30 = 210

Customs, let’s guess 10% = 21,-

231 @ 19% = 43,-

So until thereto charges 64,-

We’re getting there slowly.

1 year ago

That’s right. You pay 19% VAT on the value of the goods. That’s 36,10 euros. In addition, the fee for customs processing by the forwarder (UPS) comes. This should be the remaining EUR 32.25.

Save: Ordering in USA does not mean saving money! This is going to be another place.

1 year ago

Customs, tax and also a fee of UPS because they have carried out the duty for you. Otherwise you would have to pick up the package yourself at the customs.

You should be informed before you order abroad.

1 year ago

Be glad you even got it. When I ordered, I had to pick it up at the customs office and repay it properly. Otherwise, I often ordered from the USA, even higher prices. There it was often marked as a gift by the seller and that came through without customs. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or if it works in general.

1 year ago
Reply to  Photon123

There it was often marked as a gift by the seller and that came through without customs. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or if it works in general.

This is called tax evasion. Sometimes it doesn’t always work.

1 year ago
Reply to  ES1956

Well, it’s time for me to be over:D