Hohe Datenträgerauslastung, wie behebe ich dass?
Hallo! Ich habe Windows 11 neu installiert und alle Daten gelöscht, da mein Datenträger jeder Zeit auf 100% Auslastung ist.
Ich verzweifele damit und habe vermutet, es lag an den Spielen die drauf installiert waren, konnte aber nicht sein da meine Freunde die Spiele auch auf ihrem C: Drive installiert haben.
Ich habe momentan nur das CMD offen und den Task-Manager und die Auslastung ist trotzdem enorm hoch, ich weiß nicht genau was ich noch beilegen sollte (von den Specs) aber wenn ich etwas vergessen habe schreibt es bitte unter diese Frage, dass einzigste was ich vorlegen kann ist ein Bild, sollte ich wie gesagt etwas vergessen haben bitte schreibt, was ich noch hinzufügen sollte. Lg Leon
Unfortunately, you don’t see much on your picture. And what do you have for a hard drive/SSD?
After a Windows reinstall it can also be that it installs grad updates.
I don’t know how to make the picture bigger because the limit is 8MB and I’ve tried a lot around there, but I can’t make it bigger… Where can I see what SSD I have? I don’t know where exactly.
Enter “Device Managers” in the Windows search, and see “Disk drives” or disk drives.
Have Avira already uninstalled. I’ll check again tomorrow, thanks for the help.
Jup, you can see some things. The memory is not full and the CPU load is low.
But this “endpoint protection service” seems to be quite active. And Avira also seems to be on the PC. So I’d tap that scans your drive all the time.
You can try to turn off Avira or uninstall emergency.
Also, in your Windows settings under updates, whether Windows still does or needs any updates.
I uploaded the pictures. Can you start with this?
Thanks, is a good idea, will upload the photos soon
Hmmm okay, it’s SSD. Then I guess I’ll just help pictures. You can upload them at Google Drive or so and then link them here.
Once the “Performance” tab in Task Manager is best.
And if you click on “Processes” in the Task Manager, you can click “Disk” there once, and then it will show you the processes that access most of your memory at the top.
What is already perfect humbug and blind actonism if you do not know the reason for utilisation.
Especially with updates from Windows/Apps in the background, this can be the case (also over a long time) – or when Windows starts defragmenting HDDs.
The whole section is agitating against misconceptions and misconceptions.
I don’t know where to start. 🤷
O.K. – Open the Resources Manager and simply check which processes are currently burdening the respective data carrier.
If you can’t start with it, take a screenshot and ask specifically here.
My Assessment – just after a new installation:
The system leads div. Updates software by or div. exams.
Depending on this, it can take many hours – especially if you only have one HDD installed.
I’m sorry, I won this forum because I’m just desperate and looking for a solution and have absolutely no idea in this area. I’m sorry should have made mistakes and I’m going to look at the resource manager what is currently claimed by the data carrier after I have done that I should then write the respective service or application here under the question? Lg
Looks like Windows is installed on a HDD.
if you have an SSD install it there
It’s a SSD.
Take Crystal disk info and see if everything’s okay with your record.
if you have several drives and that’s where you are, take them out and do the pc… if windows don’t start then I assume it’s on the hdd
or other: if you go to the Task Manager -> Performance -> Disk (da where C: stands and say what is above right for a name on the disk)