Hodentorrision schmerzen?
ich hatte gerade schmerzen im Hoden. Wenn ich mich bewege merke ich die (sind aber nicht stark), aber wenn ich mich hinsetze sind die weg. Kann das eine Hodentorrision sein oder ist das was harmloses? Schmerzen beim Urin lassen usw. habe ich nicht.
You write that you had testicles and they weren’t strong. Besides, you were able to put your question here. Therefore, you certainly have no testicular torsion, as the pain in the testicles should be so strong that you would not be able to do anything.
For example, look at Google or at Jungsfragen.de what a testament is. Then you will be very quickly calmed. Whether it’s harmless can only tell you a urologist. Mostly, it’s harmless.
Yeah, I got a lot of information. But if it’s been gone again, it was harmless.
Nevertheless, thank you for taking away the worries 😅 Have hypochondrie and therefore always imagine the worst things when I only have the smallest thing