Wedding- how can I lose a few kilos quickly?
Since my wedding is coming up soon and I have unfortunately gained a few kilos over the last few years, I have decided to at least get a little closer to my “comfort weight” for my wedding so that at least on the day I don’t have to worry so much about how “curvy” I look in photos.
Sports were going great until I had to stop due to illness and it will probably be a while before I can start exercising again.
Do you have any experience with other things that have helped? I'm open to anything at the moment and happy to try anything – as long as it worked for you.
I know that losing weight quickly also brings risks (like the yo-yo effect), but I'm willing to accept these at the moment, as long as I finally feel a little better that day.
Fast decrease also hides health risks.
If you can’t do sports (so No physical exertion, for example because of heart problems) only helps the “usual glue” from maximizing the calorie deficit. It means in the end. Eat vegetables until you are full and at the end enjoy the long-chain carbohydrates/calorie.
Renounce calories in the evening (chips, sweets – an apple would be allowed). Use soft drinks from your wardrobe and orders.
Endurance sports (even if it is only easy weight training) support your project.
In order to take off, one should mainly use vegetables and low-fat proteins (meat, fish, magerquark, yogurt, eggs, soy products, legumes, all vegetables). Carbs and fats only in dimensions. If fat and carbohydrates, then as healthy as possible: whole grain bread, lentil noodles, potatoes, rice, nuts and seeds, fat fish like salmon. Drink plenty of water or unsweetened tea.
It should be dispensed with: candy, too much sweet fruit, sweet drinks, fat snacks and fast food such as chips, pommes, pizza, fried and panned chicken. Finished fruit yogurt is one of the sweets. Fat cheese and fat sausage should also be avoided. Generally caution in sauces and dips because the often hidden sugars and fats contain.
Less eat and move. This does not necessarily have to be sports, quick walks are enough.
A lot of exercise and a healthy diet with a slight calorie deficit are the right recipe. This also includes the abandonment of intermediate meals and soft drinks. Reduce the sugar content of your diet, cook fresh and keep healthy fats.
I recommend for a quick decrease short term a ketogenic diet, in particular BG 0
In the long term, movement and reduced eating should be better.
Here everything explains well:
You should enjoy the best day and don’t worry about your weight or lose weight.
It’s not easy. If you’re round today, you’ll have to be a round bride. You don’t get fat fast either.
Eat balanced, avoid sugar and fast food, move more.
You could walk big rounds.