Hochwertiges Fotostudio kaufen?

Hey, möchte meine Firma erweitern und mir dafür ein Fotostudio einrichten.

Das beste Produkt auf Amazon hat 4,2 Sterne und wird so mittel mäßig in den Bewertungen gelobt.

ich würde aber wirklich gerne in etwas zu 100% vernünftiges investieren und weiß daher nicht ob dieses Produkt die richtig Entscheidung ist: https://amzn.eu/d/aKh0YG4

Habt ihr Erfahrung mit solchen Produkten?

Wo kann man etwas besseres bekommen?

Hätte ein Budget von 500-700€ und das kostet ja gerade mal 170€

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1 year ago

At the price, I would expect it to fall apart during the construction. I don’t know what this has to do with your company either.

Think, in a photo forum like dslr-forum.de are better off with your question.

1 year ago

The price alone in combination with the many parts clearly shows that it is a product intended for the occasional use of a hobbyist.

You get, what you pay for. Or else, who buys cheap, buys twice.

So, first of all, you have to ask yourself the question, what do I want to do with it and I already have sufficient knowledge to achieve this goal? If you don’t have it yet, make yourself smart and then you can buy more targeted products that help you.

The other variant is to buy such a cheap set to collect the first experiences with it. Then you get a good impression of what you have to pay attention to during the next purchase. Only shaky tripods, which can be badly fixed in the desired position, can drive one into madness or cause trouble in the recording.

In doubt, you have sunk 170 euros, but gain more overall, because you can buy more targeted in the next step.