Hobbys für 14 Jährige Mädchen?

Hey Leute,

Mine Freundin braucht dringend ein Hobby. Sie hatte, mal früher Ballet getanzt, darauf hatte sie keine Lust mehr, sie muss dringend bekannschaften mit neuen Menschen machen, ihre Freunde haben sie belogen, ihr vertrauen missbraucht usw. Jetzt steht sie alleine da, sie sitzt sehr sehr oft (eigentlich sogar zu oft) alleine in der Bude, und schaut Tiktok.

Leider habe ich nicht so viel Zeit, da ich im Leistungsbereich Fussball spiele, sie braucht einfach ein Ausgleich, einfach so ein Hobby wo man 1-3 mal die Owche hingeht neue Menschen kennenlernen kann (geht auch Sachen die man alleine macht, nur hobbys mit sozialen Kontakten wären schon Hilfreicher). Also Ballet und Ballsportarten fällt wirklich schon mal raus.

Ich habe die Tage igr schon was angeboten aber, darauf bekomme ich nicht die erwünschten Antworten. Wäre sehr nice wenn ihr mit da weiterhelfen könnetet ✌️

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2 years ago

Actually very sad that she does not seem to be able to independently find something that prepares her joy. There are so many…

Sports (nearly infinite possibilities), art (painting, drawing), photography, reading, writing, handwork (sticking, knitting, crocheting, sewing, making etc.), crafts (modeling, stone/woodworking, casting resin, etc.), in which nature is on the move (best with a camera) and so on…

…and also voluntary employment, for example in a nursing home or in facilities for people with handicaps etc. This is also possible with 14.

But the question is, what is your fun? She knows that.

2 years ago

Martial art. I started this myself and it makes fun even in the professional area.

2 years ago

Maybe something with horses? There is quite a lot, for example, voltigating, jumping or even quite Classic Dressur

2 years ago

Hello adiRBL,

There are many hobbies that are suitable for 14-year-old girls and give them the opportunity to meet new people. Some ideas are:

  1. Writing club: There are many writing groups that meet nearby to write together and give each other feedback. This is a great way to get to know new people with similar interests.
  2. Music: Music is a great way to express yourself and get to know new people. There are many music schools that offer instrument teaching, or also music groups that can be visited.
  3. Non-profit work: there are many non-profit organizations who are always looking for volunteers. This is a great way to get involved and get to know new people.
  4. Cooking and baking: Cooking and baking is a great way to unfold its creative side and get to know new people. There are many cooking and baking courses that you can visit.
  5. Reading Club: Reading Club is a great way to discover new books and talk to other readers.
  6. Nature: hiking, camping, photography, are all hobbies you can do alone or in groups, and you can practice in nature.

There are many hobbies that are suitable for 14-year-old girls, and it is important that your girlfriend finds something that she likes and that helps her to get to know new people. She should also make sure that she chooses something that motivates her and gives her the feeling of reaching something.

It might be best for her if you give her some time and make her something together.

2 years ago

Ice skating 🙂

2 years ago

Do not understand how to automatically exclude all ball sports. There are so many. She doesn’t seem like it. How about boulders, swimming, or other dances?

2 years ago

Dance (HipHop or something).