Hiv bekommen x?

Ich wurde vor 2 jahren mit Syphilis diagnostiziert und hab im internet gelesen

das wenn man Syphilis hat gleichzeitig wahrscheinlich auch hiv ?
ich wurde aber ein jahr nach der Ansteckung auf hiv getestet der kam dann negativ raus ? Wieso ? Und stimmt der Test oder soll ich mich nochmal testen lassen

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1 month ago

No, that’s pretty sure not true. However, this statement could mean that the immune system is weakened and that one becomes more easily susceptible to HIV or something. But these are 2 different diseases and you don’t have to have the other one at the same time when you have one.

If you read something on the Internet, you should always look where the source is and who wrote it. It can also only be the reader’s opinion of anyone who has snapped up something or something and shows it differently from his own point of view.

1 month ago

Who has syphilis had unprotected intercourse and thus a higher risk also other sexual diseases or Getting HIV

1 month ago

Because the statement is insane, as your HIV test result proves.