Historical source for Faust figure Valentin?
Does anyone have any idea and can help me, as I can't find any historical sources on Faust's character Valentin?
only have the: Axis powers • Germany, Italy, Japan allies • Great Britain, France, USA, Soviet Union I didn't find any more and the goals weren't found either
So about the conflict with the IRA from 1968 to 1998.
What danger of anti-Semitism is suggested and explained here?
Ich will in meiner Berufschule eine Präsentation über die wichtigsten oder zumindest über die bekanntesten Politiker der Geschichte (und über Karl Marx) eine Präsentation machen. Ich habe schonmal eine Liste von Politikern gemacht.
A historical figure is certainly not Valentin. He has been thought of by Goethe in a poetic way to expand and deepen the dramatism/tragik Gretchens by wanting her brother Valentin to avenge his sister’s “conductor” and killing himself with the help of the devil Mephisto by Faust. Gretchen therefore not only loses her mother (by the “sleep drink” given to her) and her child (they kill it knownly), but also her bodice and venerable brother Valentin. Their own destiny (direction) can thus be experienced even more in the seal.
Is it about a historical figure or just the function of Valentin?
In this way, it reflects the view of women at that time. If she’s a family honor, she’s not worth it.