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Ich kann leider nicht kochen, obwohl das manchmal ganz hilfreich wäre 🙂
Hähnchen durch?
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Heyyy✌🏻 Ich wollte mal fragen ob ihr vllt einfache und leckere Gerichte kennt, die ich selbst ( alleine) mal machen kann, weil ich möchte sowas gerne mal ausprobieren, aber kenne nicht so viele Gerichte. So gut kochen kann ich auch nd, bin auch erst 12 🙂 . LG Cocktail😊
The meat comes from a wild animal called deer and is prepared by praising. Schmoren is a type of preparation. Every cookbook for beginners informs about it.
It must, bluntly said, cook long on small teperature, just so that it does not become a “teulapp” like my grandmother used to say very tough meat.
Gulasch is e.g. a Schmorgericht
I guess what is meant by deer meat is clear
Meat pieces originating from heavily stressed muscle parts of an animal are murdered. Such pieces of meat are rich in collagen fibers that make the meat tough.
For short roasting, such meat is unsuitable because it is extremely difficult to chew.
It is a preparation in which meat is cooked for a long time (more hours) in a little liquid at a low temperature.
at a temperature of approximately 70° C., collagen is converted into gelatin. Smell meat. Long enough is a very tasty and butterfly piece of meat.
Apart from being a little time-consuming, it is not difficult at all. You should try it. The result will reward you.
That it is meat from deer that you can taste.
That it takes a lot of time to get even.
That means that you can burn the meat.
It is suitable not for a short roast.
You don’t even have to fry this quickly in the frying pan and it’s done, but slowly and with a lot of patience in the fryer.
Why that?
Because the piece of meat comes from one of the top regions of the deer.
Well, meat from the animal “Hirsch” which is suitable for the preparation form “schmoren”…