Hirsch in der Schwangerschaft gegessen?

Meine Frau ist in der 25. Woche Schwanger und heute habe ich Hirschfleisch Eintopf gemacht. Also halt mit Kartoffeln, Karotten Pilzen etc. und halt Fleisch vom Hirsch.

Nun hab ich aber gelesen, dass man das wegen der Bleimunition in der Schwangerschaft nicht essen darf. Es war gefrorenes Hirschfleisch. Und auf der Rückseite steht auch, dass es bei Wildfleisch nicht immer die Garantie gibt, dass alle Teile der Munition entfernt werden können.

Meine Frau hat nur so ca. 4-5 Stücke Fleisch gegessen. Es hat aber über 1 Stunde gekocht. Ist also nix rohes mehr. Und auch sehr weich. Nur wegen dem Blei machen wir uns Sorgen. Im Internet steht, dass sogar der einmalige Verzehr schädlich sein kann.

Sie hat auch vor ca. 2 Monaten mal 2-3 Schnitten mit Salami gegessen. Da wussten wir auch noch nicht, dass man Salami in der Schwangerschaft auch nicht essen darf.

Glaubt ihr, dass hat jetzt Folgen für’s Baby? Oder haben die paar Stücke vom Hirsch nicht geschadet?

Hirsch schmeckt halt sehr lecker. Den Rest werde ich ganz alleine essen.

Also der Hirsch lebt ja im Wald und wird dort auch erschossen. Er wird nicht gezüchtet und dann mit Hormonen und Antibiotika vollgepumpt wie Schweine und Rinder. Da dachte ich Hirsch ist gesünder, weil der Hirsch auch ein besseres und artgerechtes Leben führt. Aber ans Blei hat keiner gedacht.

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2 years ago

If she had bitten on the remains of the shotgun, she would have noticed. Although there is nothing that does not exist, but if the ball does not just hit a bone, and completely fragmented, it does not spread throughout the body.

I like to eat wild, not the packaged from the supermarket, but from an acquaintance. And yes, there is sometimes, for example with Hase, still the ball in (logical if it was not a bullet).

Lead ammunition is increasingly used.

And then lead is also included in other foods, even in spices or tap water sometimes. Food: Lead (bayern.de)

With Wild, I’d rather think about the caesium content, but you don’t have to worry about eating wild meat.

You’ll hardly have eaten wild goulash every week, so all right.

We live in a world full of environmental poisons, you can’t escape.

Just let your wife eat what she wants. It is very cautious to be only in non-completely digested animal foods, because of salmonella, toxoplasmosis and listerosis.

2 years ago

After that, she won’t have to eat or drink for the next few months and get lost in a clean room.

2 years ago

I would rather worry about the mushrooms

2 years ago
Reply to  RoterSeeigel

Then not.

But seriously.

As a former subofficer.

In normal cases, the lead does not spread throughout the body except it was hit on a strong bone and completely fragmented. Then the cadaver would hardly be used.

Many hunters do not use bleached ammunition anymore.

I think I can reassure you of good knowledge and assure you that your Gulasch doesn’t risk your family.

So you don’t have to sacrifice yourself completely.

It has to go before it gets bad.

All good for you 3

2 years ago

There’s nothing happening.

2 years ago

You can’t change what happened. Additional stress as to whether what could have happened is neither good for your wife nor the child.

So just wait, enjoy the last time to two (e.g. halfway uninterrupted cuddling, if you want it instead of if the child leaves you later) and look forward to your child.

Only for the future should you learn to pay more attention to what should be avoided in pregnancy.

2 years ago

“Blei”be meek 😉 Better only a lead ball in the stag, which you can find & without any more punching. But there are people who shoot shotguns. You have to expect that you eat a little chick with it all the time. Is an alternative for semi-blind Waidmen, (A small bird finds the way) 😉 An experienced sniper needs only patience & only 1 ball. He also does not fire meaningless a`la leaf shot 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  RoterSeeigel

However, scrap is usually used for low game. So for goose, duck, pheasant, hare, etc.

However, the use of shotguns for shell deer, e.g. deer, is prohibited.

2 years ago

In the case of large animals, a bullet is enough. In the case of small cattle, some hobby hunters need “Zersteuber”, because their safety of meeting also brings more with FIELMANN nix;-))) Ever heard of duck hunt??? A shot = a duck at the end! And geese are held & on Martinstag or Christmas slaughtered. Can’t get wild gooses with Flinte from heaven if you still have small nieces / nephews who still believe in “Nils Holgersson”!!! 😉

2 years ago

It may be that the deer was not shot, but was slaughtered. And if, then it is possible that lead-free ammunition has been used, or that the bullet has immediately left the body!

I’d eat the meat without memory!

2 years ago

Now I’ve read that you can’t eat this because of the lead ammunition in pregnancy.

I think that’s nonsense.

If you were a piece of meat, and there was a metallic piece of lead in it, you would also remember that.

And the meat is not “poisoned” by any lead or “permeated”.