Hirnspritze und Hirnwasser?

Hallo und zwar ist jemand in der neurologischen Ambulanz und die Person hat mir berichtet, der Arzt vermutet eine Entzündung im Hirn, also er vermutet es nur, es steht nichts fest und um dass festzustellen, braucht man Hirnwasser und der Arzt wollte mit einer Spritze aus dem Kopf Wasser entnehmen, also ich vermute mal Hirnwasser und dass auch noch im Wachzustand halt ohne Narkose und die Person hat da natürlich auch nein gesagt, weil die Person Angst hat deswegen.

Es ist auch verständlich, dass die Person da Angst hat. Jetzt lassen die auch die Person nicht gehen, bis Ihre Blutwerte kontrolliert wurden, die Person wollte auch mal kurz rausgehen um zu Rauchen meinte die Person glaube ich, sogar dass haben die nicht mal gelassen, weil die vermuten im Hirn ist eine Entzündung die ansteckend ist deswegen.

Die Person wird erst entlassen, wenn die Blutwerte halt die Blutergebnisse feststehen und so wie ich es verstanden habe, wird die Person auch erst entlassen, wenn auch alles in Ordnung ist.

Jetzt ist meine Frage, gibt es so eine Methode? Ich habe die Person gefragt, kann man auch die Entzündung im Hirn, nicht anders herausfinden, also andere Methoden ohne Hirnspritze und ohne Hirnwasser? Ich glaube, die Person hatte nein gesagt, weiß ich jetzt nicht mehr genau.

Aber gibt es dazu keine andere Methoden um eine Entzündung im Hirn auszuschließen oder herauszufinden und hat jemand von euch die Methode schon mal gehört und kennt die Methode auch? Kennt Ihr Leute die die Methode schon durchgeführt haben?

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9 months ago

The so-called brain water is the liquor. The liquid in the spinal cord channel. It’s called nerve water. This is not removed from the head but from the spinal canal at the back.
In the liquor certain neurological diseases can be diagnosed, such as menningitis, encephalitis.

Liquor puncture is carried out in sitting, no anesthesia is required.


9 months ago

Liquor puncture (Liquor = brain water) is made regularly at the lower back in adults. Since there is a direct connection between brain and spinal cord, the surrounding liquid is the same. If a meningitis is suspected, i.e. an inflammation of the brain skins, this investigation should be carried out as quickly as possible. These inflammations can be contagious and have very high complication rates with permanent damage up to the rapid death of the patient, so the therapy must take place as quickly as possible.

9 months ago

Brain water is not removed from the head but from the back and there from the spinal cord channel, with local anesthesia. There is no other method

9 months ago
Reply to  AthenaVER

There is also a possible puncture site at the head, which is chosen very rarely in adults.

9 months ago
Reply to  Matermace

Possibly, it will have its reason why you don’t do that there.

9 months ago

How to analyze brain water without brain water?

9 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Only if you know the pathogen, you can treat it accordingly. Otherwise, the chances are good that the patient dies.

This is what I think is called Lumbalpunktion.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

It may be that you could see it on an MRT or on a nuclear spin tomography. However, I do not believe that brain water should be analyzed to detect inflammation3n, but to find out the cause.

That such a method makes fear is understandable. However, I would do everything to get rid of a LIVING THROUGH inflammatory in the brain as quickly as possible – even though the most important thing is simply taking blood or vaccination.

9 months ago

Yeah, that’s what can be, depending on the pathogen and cause. And there is another reason why irresponsible is to deny such a puncture. You endanger other people.

Of course, it can be that you have plugged in or plugged in, case that is a contagious form

9 months ago

I could quickly find risks such as back pain, headache, discomfort, bruises, etc. Damage to the bruising system or bleeding in the vertebrates is a risk, but very rare.

Well, you really can’t make me think that’s worse than dying of brain inflammation.

9 months ago

Very unlikely. You die quite likely if you reject them.

I could quickly find risks such as back pain, headache, misemptions, bruises, etc. Damage to the bruising system or bleeding in the vertebrates is a risk, but very rare.

9 months ago

He learns that from the treating doctors and that’s also in the forms he’s signing.

No matter what it would be: getting death through a negotiable inflammation or thereby into a care case would be much worse and much more likely.

If he were so afraid to die, as shown here, he would not reject a vital treatment like this puncture.

9 months ago

No, it’s not a joke, it’s a reality. He’ll die of brain inflammation or become a care case. Because he refuses the necessary treatment.

That’s why he should take care of his estate. Just WEIL his condition is already so bad.

If he hadn’t rejected the puncture, he would probably have been on the way of improvement.

So all the decisions you make in life have consequences.

9 months ago

puncture… should that be called. You could’ve got it.

9 months ago

Why do you ask Google if you know all this? Then why do you think you know better than the doctors?

Tell the patient to put his will on, make a patient’s order and take care of his estate. He will not be able to do so very soon if he rejects this point.

9 months ago

No symptoms googlen! Always to the doctor, if necessary to several doctors!

How can mn understand so little?

9 months ago

I’m not coming down! How can one have so little understanding of reality and then also encourage people to choose their safe death?

No, she can’t decide because it’s too late. He takes more jails every day and can soon get even more nuts!

9 months ago

Then he’ll die in everyone or be a care case. With the puncture it would be very likely that it is completely cured. So he should take care of matters quickly. ‘Cause soon he’s dead or completely mud in his head. He doesn’t want to be cured.

9 months ago

You have to sign BEI JEDEM’s intervention that you have been informed about the risks.

Of course, doctors do not arrest when an surgery or something goes wrong – if they didn’t do something wrong. Otherwise, it would not be possible to prevent any diseases. Then we’d still die of appendix inflames today!

No, you can’t handle it! Otherwise, the intervention would be a bodily injury. Then it is not carried out and the patient dies from a brain skin inflammation that is actually well treatable. Congratulations! You know what modern medicine is.

Grandios! I don’t know about nix, but tell other people about LIVING ACTIVITIES! Hopefully you will be the man, he sloote against expecting not to die, becoming a care case until his death take care of him.

9 months ago

No! You can’t!

9 months ago

Everything can go wrong! If this treatment is not carried out, it is very possible that it will die.

Very irresponsible that you tell other people they should reject vital treatments! Next time, please inform BEVOR you so bad tip!