Hinterlassen manche Passagierflugzeuge keine Kondensstreifen?
Habe heute in den Himmel geschaut und wie üblich Flugzeuge gesehen welche Kondensstreifen hinterlassen wie üblich. Dann fiel mir auf einmal ein großes Flugzeug auf welches auch wie ein Passagierflugzeug ausgeschaut hat aber kein Kondensstreifen hinterlassen hat. Ich hab mich gefragt woran das liegt? War es vl. eine Riesen Drohne? Oder lag es nur am Winkel des Flugzeugs?
Whether condensing strips form or not, and above all, whether as they see, depends in a complex manner on pressure, temperature, humidity and sun level. This has nothing to do with the type of aircraft as long as it is a machine with jet engines.
Whether it’s condensation or not, it’s a question of environmental conditions up there. Humidity and temperature are the determining factors, also the clean combustion of the engines as well as the particle size of the exhaust gases plays with it.
Maybe it wasn’t high enough to create the strips.
It was really not as high as the others, because I could recognize it even sideways. Thank you.
But they did. But you don’t always see them. In addition, cargo flyers are 95% off-line passenger flyers
Some aircraft have in Kersion proportions of aluminum and strontium increases performance and makes clouds
No. Not like that.
These are so typical lies of the right-radical Chemtrailers
Strontium is too expensive for this, you don’t do it anymore. Aluminum is also no longer pure because it is needed for the conductors of the cloud sliders. Nowadays one takes strunzdummium, which is favorable for Telegram and for good question.
Nonsense. Mixing of any metals in kerosene would damage the engines and not provide more power.